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As the crowd hurried from the boat, anxious to reach their several places of business without further delay, many turned and looked up at the wheelhouse, to see the man whose nerve and faithfulness to duty had piloted us safe to port. In that blue-uniformed figure, still standing with hand upon the wheel, we saw a person boyish in appearance, but every inch a man. Meiggs' Wharf

Go then to Meiggs' Wharf, and see the fishing boats start out with lateen sail full set; hear the "Yo heave ho" of the swarthy Italian fishermen, as they set their three-cornered, striped sail to catch the breeze, and imagine yourself on the far-famed bay of Naples.

She was not surprised, then, when Miss Meiggs turned more fully toward the woman-hater. "Tell me, are you one of these people who think co-education an evil?" "I'm afraid I am." The speech gave Pellams a certain pleasure.

But when Daddy Bunker announced that his business with his old friend, the planter, was satisfactorily completed, the children were not sorry to think of returning North. "This doesn't seem like winter at all down here," said Russ. "We want to slide downhill, and roll snowballs, and make snowmen." "And it is nice to go sleigh riding," Rose added. "They never can do that on the Meiggs Plantation."

"But all the girls are not like you," began Pellams, and stopped at the sound of the words. They were not in the least intended to be taken as he felt that the table-full had taken them. Miss Meiggs put her fork viciously into the neglected rarebit. In the uncomfortable pause, Mrs. Perkins flutteringly passed her the cayenne pepper, but Miss Meiggs ignored the courtesy. She turned to Pellams.

I took possession of Meiggs's dwelling-house and other property for which I held his mortgage, and in the city warrants thought I had an overplus; but it transpired that Meiggs, being in the City Council, had issued various quantities of street scrip, which was adjudged a forgery, though, beyond doubt, most of it, if not all, was properly signed, but fraudulently issued.

And, having argued to a conclusion, it mattered not to either that Miss Meiggs stood looking out at them with supreme contempt. An Alumni Dinner. "And it's we who have to rustle In the cold, cold world!" Dr. Williamson's landlady would not listen any further.

The girls came running to join him then, more interested in what Russ saw than they were in what was going on at the party below. From the big house on the Meiggs Plantation, standing on a knoll which means a small hill, one could see for a long distance all about, in spite of the shade trees, and especially when looking from the third floor windows.

As soon as it was known that Meiggs had fled, the town was full of rumors, and everybody was running to and fro to secure his money. His debts amounted to nearly a million dollars. The Hamburg house which, had been humbugged, were heavy losers and failed, I think.

"Lawsy me, childern!" cried Mammy June. "Has you come to see how I is? I sure has got good friends, I sure has! An' if Ebenezer Caliper Spotiswood Meiggs was back home yere where he b'longs, there wouldn't be a happier ol' woman in all Georgia no, sir! "For Mistah Armatage say he's gwine have me another house built before spring. And it'll be a lot mo' fixy than my ol' house yes, sir!