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"Oh, how I wish you weren't stopping off," said the rancher's wife, an actual tear on her flushed cheek. "You've been so kind, Mrs. Spence. And anyone more understanding with children I never saw. When you've got a boy like my Sandy for your own " "By jove!" exclaimed Benis. "They're starting to cut down Miller's hill at last." Aunt Caroline rose flutteringly.

With hands under their gray sleeves two white-bonneted religieuses turned into Bourbon Street and rang the Chapdelaines' street bell. Mlle. Yvonne flutteringly let them into the garden, Mlle. Corinne into the house. The conversation was in English, for, though Sister Constance was French, Sister St. Anne, young, fair, and the chief speaker, was Irish.

'And was all that in Quain? she inquired rather flutteringly. Lawford turned a sidelong head, and looked steadily at his wife. She shook herself, with a slight shiver. 'Very well, then, she said and paused in the silence. Her husband yawned, and smiled, and almost as if lit with that thin last sunshine seemed the smile that passed for an instant across the reverie of his shadowy face.

The eyes looked at her long and steadily, and then closed flutteringly and hesitatingly. "We're coming near it," she said, "although he didn't seem sure about that 'Yes." "Look 'ere," said the other, with a sudden inspiration, "there's no good o' this 'Yes' and 'No' guessin' game; Wally and me was both in the flag-wagging class, and we knows enough to there you are."

She glanced up at him flutteringly, vaguely surprised. The corners of his mouth relaxed into the shadow of a smile, and she was reassured. "Object? Of course not! As if I should object to anything you wish!" she said amiably. "But I don't quite understand "

The next day saw them rambling in sunshine, Lashmar amorous and resigned, Iris flutteringly hopeful. And with such alternations did the holiday go by. When Leonard returned to school, their marriage was fixed for ten days later. Shortly before leaving Eastbourne, Iris had written to Mr. Wrybolt.

Therefore, it was Carter Van Meter who took Jimsy's ticket off his hands and Jimsy's place in the party and the summer plans, leaving his happy mother to spend three flutteringly hopeful months alone. James King, greatly to the surprise of his physicians, did not die, but he hovered on the brink of it for many thin weeks and his son gave up his entire vacation to be with him.

Ohhhhhhh!" She ran to him, pityingly stroked the scar, looked down at him with filmy eyes. Then she tried to retreat, but he retained her hand, glanced up at her as though he knew her every thought. She felt weak. How could she escape him? "Please!" she begged flutteringly. If he held her hand another moment, she trembled, she'd be on his lap, in his arms lost. And he was holding it. He was

She had given herself for the Cause to no profit.... And her heart yearned for peace, for release. "I'm his wife," she said, still struggling flutteringly. "You're MY wife." He lifted his arms toward her, and she swayed, took a step toward him a step toward the precipice.

"Oh, he must be going to propose," thought the former lady, "and they won't have twopence between them;" but she could only reply, "Well, Mrs. Leigh, what do you say? Will you trust yourself to Mr. Vavasour?" "I'm sure," said the little lady, flutteringly, "the gentleman is most kind; but I am so timid with horses unless they are quite old. Does your horse kick, sir?"