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Presently she stopped, and, withdrawing her hand from his arm, she cried, "Why, we've forgotten my cousin!" "O yes!" said Mr. Arbuton with a vacant smile. Looking back they saw the colonel standing on the pavement near the end of the old Sault au Matelot, with his hands in his pockets, and steadfastly staring at them.

"What is that ridiculous little wretch staring at you for, Kitty?" asked Fanny. "I don't know," answered Kitty, absently. The man was now smiling and gesturing violently. Kitty remembered having seen him before, and then recognized the cooper who had released Mr. Arbuton from the dog in the Sault au Matelot, and to whom he had given his lacerated overcoat.

Constance Pillerault was the forewoman of a linen-draper's establishment called Le Petit Matelot, the first of those shops which have since been established in Paris with more or less of painted signs, floating banners, show-cases filled with swinging shawls, cravats arranged like houses of cards, and a thousand other commercial seductions, such as fixed prices, fillets of suspended objects, placards, illusions and optical effects carried to such a degree of perfection that a shop-front has now become a commercial poem.

"Oh, the cursed luck is every day mine!" replied Master Pothier, clapping his hands upon his stomach. "I would not have missed that Easter pie no, not to draw the Pope's will! "Well, never mind, Master Pothier," replied Max. "Don't grieve; you shall go with us to-night to the Fleur-de-Lis in the Sault au Matelot. Bartemy and I have bespoken an eel pie and a gallon of humming cider of Normandy.

"No one understands English but me but they are suspicious: be careful. What is your name?" "John Collins." "Comment?" said the French amanuensis, "John Co lin. C'est bien; continuez." "What is your rank and in your Lodge?" "Common seaman master," answered Collins, adroitly. "Comment?" said the party with his pen. "Matelot," replied the interpreter. "Demandez-lui le nom du bâtiment."

They spied the Americans in the darkness and kept up as effective a fire as the dim light permitted. But the assailants were able to advance along the whole east side of Quebec and to reach the entrance to the Sault au Matelot, a short and narrow street opening into the steep Mountain Street, by which alone the Upper Town could be reached.

The force plodded through the deep snow in the tracks of the enemy who, about daybreak, were astonished to find themselves shut in by British forces at each end of the Sault au Matelot. A hand to hand fight followed. The Americans took refuge in the houses of the street and it was the task of the British to drive them out. In this Nairne distinguished himself.

Our forts are strong from the Sault au Matelot round to Champigny's palace, the trenches and embankments are well ended, and if they give me but two days more I will hold the place against twice their thirty-four sail and twenty-five hundred men." "For how long, your excellency?" Count Frontenac nodded. "Spoken like a soldier. There's the vital point. By the mass, just so long as food lasts!

Louis Hébert had been granted the fief of the Sault au Matelot, and the fief Lepinay, while the Jesuits had received the fief of Notre Dame des Anges almost free of conditions. Under these favourable conditions Giffard induced two citizens of Mortagne, Zacharie Cloutier and Jean Guyon, to accompany him to Canada. Cloutier was a joiner, and Guyon a mason.

"No one understands English but me but they are suspicious; be careful. What is your name?" "John Collins." "Comment?" said the French amanuensis, "John Co-lin. C'est bien; continuez." "What is your rank and in your Lodge?" "Common seaman master," answered Collins adroitly. "Comment?" said the party with his pen. "Matelot," replied the interpreter. "Demandez-lui le nom du batiment."