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She missed the Sunday afternoon conferences more than she cared to admit. All that Kami said was, 'Continuez, mademoiselle, continuez toujours, and he had been repeating the wearisome counsel through the hot summer, exactly like a cicada, an old gray cicada in a black alpaca coat, white trousers, and a huge felt hat.

The next minute the Spaniard was behind them, slapping each on the back. "Bravo! Bravissimo!" he shouted, making his voice heard above the enemy's firing, for his men now were making no reply. "Continuez!

'Wait a minute, said he. 'That mouth is down at the corners a little. Who's been worrying you, Maisie? 'No one but myself. I never seem to get on with my work, and yet I try hard enough, and Kami says "Continuez, mesdemoiselles. Continuez toujours, mes enfants." Kami is depressing. I beg your pardon. 'Yes, that's what he says.

"Continuez, Gustave Adolphe," replied the old negro, with a majestic air. Gustave Adolphe, with another bow, resumed: "I say where com?" "Barbadoes," replied Newton. "Monsieur, il vient de Barbadoes." "Continuez, Gustave Adolphe," replied his superior, with a wave of his hand. "I say where go?" "Where go?" replied Newton, "go to the bottom." "Monsieur, il allait au port de Bo tom."

Well, that is the most sensible thing I have heard of them yet, and I altogether commend them. Continuez, said the Padre Eterno, 'continuez! And since then all has been well with the world; at least where Us continuent.

"That which will ruin thee in the end." Her eyes looked beyond his into the distance, rapt and shining; she seemed scarcely aware of his presence. "That which will bring thee down thy hungry spirit of discovery. It will serve thee no better than it served the late Earl. But thee it will lead into paths ending in a gulf of darkness." "Deborah!" he answered, with a rasping laugh. "Continuez!

The man glanced at her once or twice, in the silence that followed, with something like hesitation, or compunction, in his look. "Look here, Alix let's talk. I want to ask you something. Or, rather, I want to tell you something or, rather " "CONTINUEZ CONTINUEZ!" she said, laughing, as he hesitated.

"No one understands English but me but they are suspicious: be careful. What is your name?" "John Collins." "Comment?" said the French amanuensis, "John Co lin. C'est bien; continuez." "What is your rank and in your Lodge?" "Common seaman master," answered Collins, adroitly. "Comment?" said the party with his pen. "Matelot," replied the interpreter. "Demandez-lui le nom du bâtiment."

My father comes first, as always; you second. There is no third." This note, signed, sealed, and addressed, he left with the other. "Certainly I am not original in the least," he said, beginning another note. "DOLLY DEAR: "You have made good. Continuez, chère énfant and if you don't know what that means your French lessons are in vain.

"Continuez, Gustave Adolphe," replied the old negro, with a majestic air. Gustave Adolphe, with another bow, resumed: "I say where com?" "Barbadoes," replied Newton. "Monsieur, il vient de Barbadoes." "Continuez, Gustave Adolphe," replied his superior, with a wave of his hand. "I say where go?" "Where go?" replied Newton, "go to the bottom." "Monsieur il alloit au port de Bo -tom."