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Jawn, he says, 'ar-rm ye'ersilf an' proceed to th' raypublican timple iv justice in Hogan's saloon an' have th' stanch an' upright Judge Blood prepare some good honest writs iv th' party iv Lincoln an' Grant, he says. 'In th' manetime, as th' constitootion has lost its sights an' the cylinder don't revolve, he says, 'I suspind it an' proclaim martial law, he says.

He was at home to my own knowledge the night she disappeared, and could know nothing of what became of her. I think that's a sure case." "Well," said Shawn, "it may be so; but in the manetime his stolen visits to the ould herb docthor are not for nothing. I end, then, as I began keep your eye on him; watch him closely and now, good night."

They will give you something to eat." "Thank you, Miss Alice, I will go up by and by; but in the manetime, what fortune could any one tell you but good fortune? There's nothin' else before you; and if there is, I'm come to put you on your guard against it, as I will, plaise goodness.

"Ay, but, Sam good Lord! here's God grant us a long life in the manetime! but upon my honor and conscience it's not revenge upon my own murdherers I want, but to be made a Stipendiary. Revenge! Good Lord! what is revenge to a murdhered man, Sam, maybe with five bullets in him! Now, Sam, this is not want of courage in me but but mere distress of mind on looking at the state of the country.

Ned, however, was strictly impartial, and declined, with most commendable virtue, to recognize the signal, until he saw whether Mrs. Mulroony did not understand "generosity" as well as Mr. Gray. "Misther Gray, I'll thank you to button your lip, if you plaise. It's all very right, I suppose; but in the manetime let daicent Mrs. Mulroony tell her own story. How is it, ma'am?"

"Well, Jim," said he, "it's a good comrade you've got for the weather that's in it; but, in the manetime, to set you a dacent patthern, I'll just take this myself," saying which, with the jar still upon its side, and the fore-finger of his left hand in his neck, he swallowed the spirits "It's the first I dhrank to-night," he added, "nor would I dhrink it now, only to show you that I've heart an' spirit to do the thing that we're all bound an' sworn to, when the proper time comes;" after which he laid down the glass, and turned up the jar, with much coolness, upon the altar.

"Con M'Mahon!" exclaimed the priest, "why, what on earth brought you out at this hour of the night, and aisy, what is this you're' carrying?" "Faix, your reverence," replied the other, "I might as well ask yourself the same two questions." "I know you might," said Father Anthony; "but in the manetime you had better not."

Old Dick was in the act of letting fly an oath at something, when Jemmy, walking in, just as if nothing had happened, exclaimed "Why, thin, Mother o' Moses, is it at the ould work I find you? Troth, it's past counsel, past grace wid you I'm afraid you're too ould to mend. In the manetime, don't stare as if you seen a ghost only tell us how is that unfortunate leg of yours?"

'He's a thraitor, says a third. 'A base th' soup kitchen! A base th' caafe! says they; an' they seize th' unfortunate Duclose, an' bate him an' upset his kettles iv broth. Manetime where's Cap Dhry-fuss? Off in his comfortable cage, swingin' on th' perch an' atin' seed out iv a small bottle stuck in th' wire.

"In the manetime, Sally, in his absence, would find herself lonely, and as she hadn't, may be, seen her aunt for some time before, she'd lock the door, and go over to spind a while with her; or take a trip as far as her ould mistress's place to see the family.