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The chief original authorities are a life by Bishop Otter, prefixed to a second edition of the Political Economy , and an article by Empson, Malthus's colleague, in the Edinburgh Review for January 1837. Wallace wrote in answer to Hume, A Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind in Ancient and Modern Times , and Various Prospects of Mankind, and Nature and Providence . Godwin refers to the last.

Tous les calculs qu'on a faits sur cette prétendue multiplication sont des chimères absurdes. They had been used to reconcile the story of the deluge with the admitted population of the world soon afterwards. Essay , ii 453 n. I cite from this, the last edition published in Malthus's lifetime, unless otherwise stated. Ibid. , p. 141. Ibid.

Dean Tucker speaks of the evil of the limited area in his Manifold Causes of the Increase of the Poor . Nicholls, ii. 88. Parl. Hist. xxxii. 710. A full abstract is given in Edens History, iii. ccclxiii. etc. Cobbett's Political Works, vi. 64 I need only note here that the first edition of Malthus's Essay appeared in 1798, the year after Eden's publication. Eden's History, i. 583. Ibid. i. 587.

But in the long run, if the birth-rate is as great as is usually supposed, no permanent cure for their poverty is possible while their families continue to be so large. In China, Malthus's theory of population, according to many writers, finds full scope.

Ricardo himself sometimes speaks as though he had in mind merely the supply of labourers' necessaries, though he regularly uses it in a wider sense. The generalities, therefore, about supply and demand, take us little further. From these difficulties Ricardo escapes by another method. Malthus's theory of population gives him what he requires.

Inasmuch as this theory of Malthus has been the storm center of sociological and economic writers for the past one hundred years, it is worth our while to note very briefly what Malthus's theory was, and why it is inadequate as a scientific statement of the laws governing the growth of population. Malthus's Theory of Population.

Ricardo maintains, on the contrary, that 'the interest of the landlord is necessarily opposed to the interest of every other class in the community. The landlord is prosperous when corn is scarce and dear; all other persons when it is plentiful and cheap. This follows upon Malthus's own showing.

Malthus whether we are not, in strictness, justified in doing so? We have, perhaps, said enough to explain our feeling on the subject of Mr. Malthus's merits and defects.

I wish therefore to call your attention to it, in case you care about books on social and political subjects, but here there is also an elaborate discussion of Malthus's "Principles of Population," to which both you and I have acknowledged ourselves indebted. The present writer, Mr.

The passage is given in full in Malthus and his Work, p. 307. Eden had made the same remark. Correspondence in Senior's Three Essays on Population . Mr. The difference is not for my purpose important. In any case, Malthus's references are to Paley. Ibid. i. 16 n. Essay, i. 15 n. Ibid. ii. 128. Mr. A. R. Wallace, Darwin's fellow-discoverer of the doctrine, also learned it from Malthus.