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Then he called together all his foes, and they planned together how that they should ride to Lithend and slay him. But Njal heard what they had been saying, and he warned Gunnar. 'You have always dealt truly and kindly with me, said Gunnar, when Njal had finished speaking, 'and if ill befall me, take heed, I pray you, of my son and Hogni.

So they set forth secretly, but stopped first at the farm nearest to Lithend, where they seized the farmer, and warned him that unless he came with them and put to death the hound Sam which had guarded Gunnar ever since Olaf the Peacock had bestowed him as a gift, his own life should be forfeit.

Hallgerda's heart was filled with joy when Gunnar came under the doorway, but Rannveig said nothing, for her heart was sad. All that winter Gunnar sat fast at Lithend and would not be prevailed on to leave it, and when the winter had gone and the Thing had met, Gizur the white proclaimed Gunnar an outlaw for having broken his atonement.

The tidings soon spread far and wide, and reached the ears of Kolskegg, who rode over to Lithend, so that he might speak with Gunnar. 'Know you that it is said by every man that it was Hallgerda who caused the fire at Kirkby, that she might steal the cheese and butter? asked he. 'I have thought before that it must be so, but how can I set it right? answered Gunnar.

'Let us take what we want and leave the money, said Thrain, who had come with Gunnar, but Gunnar answered: 'I am no robber! and was turning to go when Otkell stopped him. 'Will you buy a thrall from me? He is a good thrall, said Otkell, 'but I have no need of him. And Gunnar bought the thrall, and they all went home to Lithend together.

There had been none such since the day that Gunnar had fared from Lithend with Kolskegg, and had returned to his ruin.

When Njal heard that Otkell would not sell to Gunnar, he was very wroth and rode up into the hills with all his sons, and took meat from his storehouses and bound it upon five horses, and hay from his barns and bound it upon ten horses, and they drove them all to Lithend, which was Gunnar's house.

'Our money-chests will be emptied for atonement for these men, said Gunnar as they drew near Lithend, and when they told their mother, Rannveig shook her head. 'I fear lest ill should come of it, said she. And ill did come of it. Njal's heart was sore when Gunnar told him of the fight by the Rang river, for he said: 'You have gone against my counsel, and have slain two men of the same race.

As for Grani, he has an evil nature, and there is no turning him from bad deeds. It was in the autumn that Mord, the son of Valgard, sent word to Gunnar's foes that the time had come to make the attack upon Lithend, as all his men had gone to the haymaking on the isles of the sea.

Then what duels are yours! and what inimitable battle-pieces! I know four good fights of one against a multitude, in literature. These are the Death of Gretir the Strong, the Death of Gunnar of Lithend, the Death of Hereward the Wake, the Death of Bussy d'Amboise.