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She'll stay with him forever." "Where is this flat?" "I've promised not to tell. They don't want to be bothered by all of us." "They want to conceal their deplorable situation, of course. Well, my dear, I can wait. Six months from now I'll ask them to dine to meet Linburne.

"And if I am?" he answered. "You need not humiliate me by making it so evident," she retorted, and almost stamped her foot. "Lunching with her in public, and taking her to tea, as I was told, getting here so late for dinner I wish you could have heard the way Nancy and Lee Linburne were goading me before dinner about it."

The doors in the Fenimer house opened silently, so that though Christine, who was facing the door, saw him at once, Linburne, whose back was turned to it, was unaware of his presence, and answered: "You ought to have more pride than to want to see a fellow who has made it so clear he doesn't care sixpence about seeing you."

"I'll see you sometime to-morrow." She said nothing to oppose him, and he left the room. Downstairs the same footman was waiting to let him out. To him, at least, Riatt seemed a triumphant lover, only as Linburne had long since heavily subsidized him, even his admiration was tinctured with regret. As for Max, himself, he left the house even more restless and dissatisfied than he had entered it.

Nor Hickson, who failed a little in such attentions. No, it was Linburne and evidently Linburne's attentions were taken so much as a matter of course, that she had not even thanked him, nor had he noticed her omission.

"Why did you tell him that?" "It's the truth, Max almost the truth." "Almost the truth!" cried Linburne. "Do you want me to think you care something for this man after all?" "In the simple section of the country from which I come," observed Riatt, "we often care a good deal for the people we marry." Linburne turned on him. "Really, Mr. Riatt," he said, "you don't take an idea very quickly.

Riatt; but if he decides not to burn it, I promise to tell you all about it as we drink our tea." "Do you promise me that, Christine?" "Most solemnly, Lee." She looked up at Linburne, and before Max knew what he was doing he found he had dropped the paper into the fire.

"She has been distracted by your reverses, and not hearing from you she has turned to me, to Jack Ussher, to any one who could give her news and help you, as she imagined " "I understand quite enough," answered Riatt. "Thank Mr. Linburne for his kind offer and say I have other plans; and tell Christine she can have her absolution for nothing.

"I thought she looked rather tired this evening," answered Riatt, who always found himself perverse in face of Laura's enthusiasm. Mrs. Ussher raised her opera glass and studied Christine's profile, bent slightly toward Linburne, who was talking with the immobility of feature which many people use when saying things in public which they don't wish overheard.

"I should think so," replied Dorothy tonelessly. "Who are the others?" Riatt, not sorry for a moment's respite, entered into a detailed account of Lee Linburne. He was the third generation of a great fortune, augmenting rather than decreasing with years. He was but little over thirty and had taken the whole field of amusement and sports as his own.