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"My dear Miss Fenimer, that is quite impossible. It must be every inch of ten miles, it's dark, a blizzard is blowing, I don't know the way, and we haven't passed a house." "But, but," said she, "suppose they don't rescue us to-night?" "They probably will to-morrow," answered Riatt, and he walked past her into the house.

For with her habitual mental candor, she admitted that by this time Christine, if not actually frozen to death which after all one could not exactly hope had probably won the game. The chances were that Riatt was captured. "What is the matter, Ned?" she said to her brother, as he fidgeted about the card-table, after a last futile expedition to the telephone.

"Oh, I didn't stir it!" "What did you do?" "You didn't tell me to stir it." "I certainly did." "No, you said just to watch it." Riatt looked at her. "Well," he said, "I've heard of glances cutting like a knife, but never stirring like a spoon.

The days that followed were the happiest that Riatt had ever known. Only those who have lived in a brief and agreeable present can understand the fullness of joy that he was able to extract from it. If he had been under sentence of death he could not have given less thought to the future. He gave himself up wholly to the two excitements of making love and losing money.

She thought it would have been doing the girl injustice to suppose that she would do anything else. They were still sitting about the tea-table at a quarter to seven, when Christine and Mrs. Almar rose simultaneously. It was almost time for the arrival of Riatt, and neither had any fancy for meeting him save at her best in all the panoply of evening dress.

I explain to you that I have watched you from boyhood, and have come to the conclusion that our tastes, our intellects, our " "Oh, no," said Riatt, "there's really no use in going on with that. Even I should have no difficulty with any lady who approached me in that way. But there was one of the others that sounded rather promising and difficult. How about the passionate whirlwind?

Max Riatt." "Riatt married!" cried Nancy. "But to whom? I thought he had nothing left in the world." "He hasn't," answered Ned, hastily scribbling the address on a card and handing it to the man. "Oh, then he's married some one who loves him for himself alone, I know. That faithful sleek-headed girl from his home town. Won't Christine be angry when she hears it!

"You two are the strangest lovers I ever knew," said Miss Lane. Riatt wondered if that were an accurate description of them lovers, though strange ones. He left his old friends presently and went and sat in the observation-car. What, he wondered, had Christine meant by her last words, about never coming back? Never come back to annoy with his critical attitude?

Laura Ussher and Christine have been closeted together for the better part of two hours. Something is going to happen immediately. At any moment Laura may appear and say with that wonderfully casual manner of hers, 'May I have a word with you, Max? And then you'll be lost." "Oh, not quite as bad as that, I hope," said Riatt.

Hickson's simple heart bounded for joy. "She's refused him," he thought, "and that's why he's rushing off like this." "Yes," said Ussher, "I should think he would want to go home and take some care of himself. It's a wonder if he doesn't develop pneumonia." Christine smiled at Riatt across the table. "They make me feel as if I had been very cruel, Mr. Riatt," she said.