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I suppose he knew all about ravens, and what one may expect from them. He only stared at him with one cold eye, a tense, lop-sided stare; and he mouthed a little if one may be permitted the expression with his beak, like a man moistening his lips. The raven looked him over critically, leeringly, insolently, with a hateful air of ownership.

Blake received the message, but he did not act promptly. Pan caught his suspicious eye, baleful, gleaming. Possibly the man was worse than weak. Presently he left the poker game which he had been watching and shuffled up to Pan. He appeared to be enough under the influence of liquor to be leeringly bold. "Howdy," he said.

"No offense," resumed Abel. "I don't mean he despises you in particular, but all bar-room bobtails." His voice thickened rapidly. "Of all mean, mis-mis-rabble hounds, he thinks you are the dirt-est." Still no reply was made. The honorable gentleman looked at his guests leeringly, but found no responsive glance. "In vino veritas," whispered Condor to his neighbor Belch.

He turned his swollen, bloody face to Dave's, and hatred stood up in his eyes as he uttered the threat. "I'll hit you, Dave," he repeated, "where you can't hit back." "Thanks for the warning," said Elden. "So Irene Hardy is to be the stake. All right; I'll sit in. And I'll win." "You'll think you've won," returned Conward, leeringly. "And then you'll find out that you didn't.

There was bright sunshine, but it fell leeringly, not laughingly, upon the columns of the Odean Theatre, upon the crowds on the Boulevard, upon the decrepit baths of Julian, upon the far heights of Belleville, upon her more cheerlessly than upon all. She listened timorously for his word of recall. She wondered if he were not writing a reply.

Carter's bare shoulder. "Why, hello, Hattie!" he called, leeringly and jeeringly. "What are you doing down here in New York? You haven't given up your business in Louisville, have you, eh, old sport? Say, lemme tell you something. I haven't had a single decent girl since you left not one. If you open a house down here, let me know, will you?"

He, too, may slip away and follow his girl to the hills," quietly said Ram Lal. "I know his past. He is never to be trusted not for a moment as long as he is alive!" Alan Hawke stared in wonder at Ram Lal, who humbly salaamed, when he closed: "See the woman over there come back, and tell me what I must do or say. You and I are comrades," the jewel seller leeringly said, "and we must lie together!

Edith looked at her companion's huge frame and forgot his homeliness. Into her mind came a picture of the fat boy, grown into a man, driving down the road in the wagon and leeringly asking her to ride with him. A flood of anger at the memory of the look of greedy assurance in his eyes came over her. "This one could knock him over a six-rail fence," she thought.

Betty glanced inquiringly at the other girls, but they shook their heads decidedly the mumbling old crone was getting on their nerves. "Not to-day," said Betty, as kindly as she could. "We are expecting company and we haven't time. Some other time perhaps." "Some other day may be too late," said the old crone, leeringly. "Oh, yes, you will have all the time there is to be miserable in.

A ragamuffin Pierrot in a white nightcap is seen to touch a trousered female on the arm and look leeringly at us, and is overheard to say, "Vois donc, Delphine, those aristos there have they hats? quoi?" Whereupon I nod good-naturedly to them, and Delphine comes up to us with a smile. "Rest tranquil, then thou shalt see dancing rest tranquil."