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"There was a girl standing there an imported girl with fixings on philandering with a croquet maul and amusing herself by watching my style of encouraging the fruit canning industry. "I slid off the counter and delivered up my shovel to Uncle Emsley. "'That's my niece, says he; 'Miss Willella Learight, down from Palestine on a visit. Do you want that I should make you acquainted?

'Miss Learight is a mighty nice girl, but I can assure you my intentions go no further than the gastro but he seen my hand going down to my holster and he changed his similitude 'than the desire to procure a copy of the pancake recipe, he finishes. "'You ain't such a bad little man, says I, trying to be fair.

I had always let 'em pass, just as you would a jack-rabbit; with a polite word and a guess about the weather, but no stopping to swap canteens. I never thought it was worth while to be hostile with a snoozer. And because I'd been lenient, and let 'em live, here was one going around riding with Miss Willella Learight! "An hour by sun they come loping back, and stopped at Uncle Emsley's gate.

"'The Holy Land, I says to myself, my thoughts milling some as I tried to run 'em into the corral. 'Why not? There was sure angels in Pales Why, yes, Uncle Emsley, I says out loud, 'I'd be awful edified to meet Miss Learight. "So Uncle Emsley took me out in the yard and gave us each other's entitlements. "I never was shy about women.

"There was a girl standing there an imported girl with fixings on philandering with a croquet maul and amusing herself by watching my style of encouraging the fruit canning industry. "I slid off the counter and delivered up my shovel to Uncle Emsley. "'That's my niece, says he; 'Miss Willella Learight, down from Palestine on a visit. Do you want that I should make you acquainted?

If you ever saw that ranch of mine! I do my own cooking and mending. Eating that's all the pleasure I get out of sheep raising. Mr. Judson, did you ever taste the pancakes that Miss Learight makes? "'Me? No, I told him. 'I never was advised that she was up to any culinary manoeuvres. "'They're golden sunshine, says he, 'honey-browned by the ambrosial fires of Epicurus.

'Miss Learight is a mighty nice girl, but I can assure you my intentions go no further than the gastro but he seen my hand going down to my holster and he changed his similitude 'than the desire to procure a copy of the pancake recipe, he finishes. "'You ain't such a bad little man, says I, trying to be fair.

I had always let 'em pass, just as you would a jack-rabbit; with a polite word and a guess about the weather, but no stopping to swap canteens. I never thought it was worth while to be hostile with a snoozer. And because I'd been lenient, and let 'em live, here was one going around riding with Miss Willella Learight! "An hour by sun they come loping back, and stopped at Uncle Emsley's gate.

"That was how I acquired cordiality for the proximities of Miss Willella Learight; and the disposition grew larger as time passed. She was stopping at Pimienta Crossing for her health, which was very good, and for the climate, which was forty per cent. hotter than Palestine.

I'd give two years of my life to get the recipe for making them pancakes. That's what I went to see Miss Learight for, says Jackson Bird, 'but I haven't been able to get it from her. It's an old recipe that's been in the family for seventy-five years. They hand it down from one generation to another, but they don't give it away to outsiders.