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"Suminagot!" said Algy. "All time too muchee monkey fooling! My dinner not git leady, Van, you savvy that? What's mallah you?" Van ignored the cook, in addressing the men. "It's your earnest desire to apologize, boys, I believe," he said. "All in favor will please say Aye." The men said Aye in growlings, rumblings, and pipings. Van addressed his cook. "Do you want them to kiss your hand?" "Ah!

The stillness, and the air of grandeur pervading each object that meets his eye, reminds him of the halls of those mediæval castles he has read of in his youth. The servant returns, and makes his bow. "My leady," he says, in a strong Lincolnshire brogue, "'as weated ye an 'our or more."

"Ching leady in five minutes," said the interpreter, running towards the door. "Eh? Why, you are ready," said Smith. "No. Go put on new blue silk flock. Leady dilectly." Ten minutes later we were being rowed ashore, to be landed at the wharf where we met with so unpleasant an attack a short time before.

The knight, snatching the letter with the utmost avidity, broke it up, and found the contents couched in these terms: "HONOURED SIR, The man az gi'en me leave to lat yaw knaw my dear leady is going to Loondon with her unkle Squaire Darnel. Be not conzarned, honoured sir, vor I'se take it on mai laife to let yaw knaw wheare we be zettled, if zobe I can vind where you loadge in Loondon.

The stillness, and the air of grandeur pervading each object that meets his eye, reminds him of the halls of those medi‘val castles he has read of in his youth. The servant returns, and makes his bow. "My leady," he says, in a strong Lincolnshire brogue, "as weated ye an 'our or more."

"Glub leady alle samee light now!" Hop Loy cried over his shoulder. "It better be!" ominously observed Pocus Pete, foreman of the Bar U ranch, one of the best-outfitted in the Rolling River section. "It better be! Those boys mean business, or I miss my guess," the foreman went on. "Hard work a-plenty, I reckon.

Calling to his horse, Dave set him at a gallop, being followed by Mr. Bellmore on Kurd, and the two indulged in an impromptu race, reaching the ranch house at the same time. "Hi there, Hop Loy!" called Dave. "Grub ready?" "Alle same leady velly soon," said the amiable Chinese, with a cheerful grin, "How you like plan-cakes?" "Plan-cakes strike me as about right; don't they you, Mr. Bellmore?"

Taking a comparative view of the artists of England and France, there is no doubt, generally speaking, that the latter are superior in drawing, and the former in colouring; many of the French artists have latterly adopted a leady tone in their flesh tints, which gives their figures a half dead appearance.

"I say, Ching," I cried, striking an attitude, "take us where you can give us a tune, `Ti ope I ow." "Yes; velly nicee music," he said, nodding and smiling. "Ching takee see something velly good. You leady?" "In five minutes," cried Barkins. "Gnat, go and tell them to have the boat ready. Mr Reardon said we were to be rowed ashore."

Dolly first entered the chamber of the accomplished Aurelia, who, lifting up her eyes, screamed aloud, and flew into the arms of her faithful Cowslip. Some minutes elapsed before Dolly could make shift to exclaim, "Am coom to live and daai with my beloved leady!" "Dear Dolly!" cried her mistress, "I cannot express the pleasure I have in seeing you again.