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Mirabeau mentions in his Erotika Biblion that modern Greek women sometimes use their feet to provoke orgasm in their lovers. "In reading him," he remarks, "one is inclined to say that the psychology of the Romans was closely allied to that of the Chinese." R. Kleinpaul, Sprache ohne Worte, p. 308. See also Moll, Konträre Sexualempfindung, third edition, pp. 306-308.

On the propriety of the picturesque information that the stork brings the babies out of the water we may note incidentally the following observations of Kleinpaul. We understand also that the stork has bitten Mamma in theleg.” We have become acquainted above with the fear of impotence as one significance of the anxiety about examinations. Psychosexual obstructions cause impotence.

A number of synonyms for the female pudenda are brought together by Schurig cunnus, hortus, concha, navis, fovea, larva, canis, annulus, focus, cymba, antrum, delta, myrtus, etc. and he discusses many of them. Kleinpaul, Sprache Ohne Worte, pp. 24-29; cf.

It is in Europe and in mediæval and later times that this emphatic gesture seems to have flourished as a violent method of expressing contempt. It was by no means confined to the lower classes, and Kleinpaul, in discussing this form of "speech without words," quotes examples of various noble persons, even princesses, who are recorded thus to have expressed their feelings.