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No; we've got to take a good run at the Peninsula and jump plump on both feet together. At a given moment we must plunge and stake everything on the one hazard. I would like to land my whole force in one, like a hammer stroke with the fullest violence of its mass effect as close as I can to my objective, the Kilid Bahr plateau.

Beyond these trenches lay the wide valley bounded on the farther side by the frowning escarpments of Kilid Bahr Plateau strongly entrenched heights which Mac rather hoped it would be some other person's job to storm when the necessity arose. Across the valley and up a steep zigzag path climbing the almost overhanging farther side, he saw long trains of camels pass, and occasionally odd horsemen.

We were now at the narrowest part of the Dardanelles, behind us, on the European side, the old round tower of Kilid Bahr and Medjidie Fort, in front Fort Hamidie, and on the horizon to the south, where the strait opened into the sea, the tiny silhouettes of several of the Allies' ships.

'Well, I'll be everlastingly jiggered, exclaimed a gruff voice. 'Where in all that's wonderful did you fellers spring from? The speaker was a short, square man, but it was so dark that all they could see of his face was that it was round and clean-shaven. 'Out of the Dardanelles last, and before that from Kilid Bahr, Ken answered. 'We're escaped prisoners.

We, therefore, should be able to make sure of securing the Achi Baba position." Also, because our force is too weak to hold the big country round Suvla Bay and at the same time operate against Kilid Bahr. If this landing at Helles is successful, he considers the probable further course of the operations.

If land communications were blocked near Bulair, ammunition could only be brought by sea to Panderma, and thence by road to Chanak or by sea direct to Kilid Bahr. "Either for supplies or ammunition, however, the difficulty of effectively stopping supply by sea may be increased by the large number of shallow craft available at Rodosto, Chanak, Constantinople and Panderma.

How's that? 'Horan and I are escaped prisoners, sir. We stole a boat up by Kilid Bahr, and were picked up by the "Maid." Gill is the only man left from the trawler. He was one of the crew of the "Maid's" dinghy that went to help the "Swan's" people. 'And you? 'Horan and I were trying to save him when the "Maid" was hit. The other nodded approvingly. 'Ah, you're Australians. Good men!

The first part of my cable I discuss the cause which led to the disappointing end to the battle of the 4th already described and then go on to say, "I am convinced by this action that with my present force my progress will be very slow, but in the absence of any further important alteration in the situation such as a definite understanding between Turkey and Bulgaria, I believe the reinforcements asked for in my No. 234 will eventually enable me to take Kilid Bahr and will assuredly expedite the decision.

South of Kilid Bahr to the point at Cape Helles, I may take it that the Peninsula is open to a landing on very easy terms. The cross fire from the Fleet lying part in the Aegean and part in the mouth of the Straits must sweep that flat and open stretch of country so as to render it untenable by the enemy. Lord K. demonstrated this cross fire upon the map.

The instructions went over most of the ground of yesterday's debate and were too vague. When I asked the crucial question: the enemy's strength? K. thought I had better be prepared for 40,000. How many guns? No one knows. Who was in command? Djavad Pasha, it is believed. But, K. says, I may take it that the Kilid Bahr Plateau has been entrenched and is sufficiently held.