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Nine hours' journey brought us to the valley of Amjam, where there was a khafilah of senna encamped among the trees. Water rather bitter, however may be found here in shallow excavations; and the whole place, with its patches of herbage, is highly refreshing to the eye. There are two new trees in this wady, both interesting; the Ghurdok and the Ajdaree.

Gagliuffi Honours paid to the Mission Acting Pasha Climate Route from Tripoli Its Division into Zones Rain in the Desert. On the 1st of May we had an arduous piece of work to perform. The khafilah was in motion fourteen entire hours, over heavy sand, with the hot wind breathing fiercely upon it. No amateur walking was indulged in.

To spare one's self is the great secret of Saharan travelling; and there is, after all, not much to observe in this desolate region. I should mention, that the second night Ali came up in a penitent state along with a khafilah from Ghareeah, and so our poor black women had an opportunity of getting a lift on the spare camels.

We could, therefore, go on until morning without fear of losing any of our party in the night. The position of a person who falls behind a caravan in the desert very much resembles that of a man overboard. This khafilah preceded us to Shaty.

We encamped in Wady El-Makmak, where we had good water, far superior to that at Guber. As in nearly all sandy places, a hole is scooped in the sand and then covered over, or left to be filled by the action of the wind after the khafilah is supplied. Two pretty palms point, as with two fingers, to the buried wells of El-Makmak. Some of our people noticed the lizard to-day.