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On the 15th we at length sighted the edge of the plateau of the Hamadah; and pushing on still through desert hills and valleys, arrived at Wady Tabooneeah, having been en route four days from Mizdah. This valley is not so fertile as Amjam; and the water is more bitter. Common salt, the companion of gypsum, was observed to-day; and wherever this is found there are bitter salts.

Nine hours' journey brought us to the valley of Amjam, where there was a khafilah of senna encamped among the trees. Water rather bitter, however may be found here in shallow excavations; and the whole place, with its patches of herbage, is highly refreshing to the eye. There are two new trees in this wady, both interesting; the Ghurdok and the Ajdaree.

Leave Mizdah Gloomy Country Matrimonial Squabbles in the Caravan "Playing at Powder" Desert Geology A Roman Mausoleum Sport A Bully tamed Fatiguing March Wady Taghijah Our old Friend the Ethel-Tree The Waled Bou Seif Independent Arabs A splendid Mausoleum One of the Nagahs foals Division of a Goat March over a monotonous Country Valley of Amjam Two new Trees Saluting the New Moon Sight the Plateau of the Hamadah Wady Tubooneeah Travelling Flies The Desert Hour A secluded Oasis Buying Barley Ghareeah Roman Remains Oasian Cultivation Taxation Sand-Pillar Arrangements for crossing the Hamadah An Emeute in the Caravan Are compelled to discharge the quarrelsome Ali.