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If it was picked up, I trust the following lines were not regarded merely as wordy frightfulness: "Ach! aus dieses Thales Gründen Die der kalte Nebel drückt, Könnt' ihr doch den Ausgang finden, Ach! wie fühlt' ihr euch beglüekt!" Of all the tabloid tales published last year in R.P.C. 'Comic Cuts, the most comic was that of a mist, a British bus, and a Boche General.

"But in this country," said Vivian, "surely you have no reason to complain of the want of moral philosophers, or of the respect paid to them. The country of Kant , of " "Yes, yes! we have plenty of metaphysicians, if you mean them. Watch that lively-looking gentleman, who is stuffing kalte schale so voraciously in the corner. The leader of the Idealists, a pupil of the celebrated Fichte!

Methinks that the best answer to the idealism of M. Fichte is to see his pupil devouring kalte schale!" "And this is really one of your great lights?" "Verily! His works are the most famous and the most unreadable in all Germany. Surely you have heard of his 'Treatise on Man? A treatise on a subject in which everyone is interested, written in a style which no one can understand."

A little pilgrimage church far below seemed snowed in against the faithful. The third-class compartment filled with noisy skiing parties. The old woman opened her oilcloth bundle, and taking a cat out of a box inside fed it a sausage. Up and up, past the Weinzettelwand and the Station Breitenstein, across the highest viaduct, the Kalte Rinne, and so at last to Semmering.

On the other hand, she has built a palace of vice costing $1,625,000, in which on many nights between 11 P. M. and 2 A. M. they sell $8,000 worth of champagne. No one knows his Berlin, who has not partaken of a "Kalte Ente," or a "Landwehrtopp," a "Schlummerpunsch," or "Eine Weisse mit einer Strippe."

To gain an idea of his character, know that he out-Herods his master; and Fichte is to Kant what Kant is to the unenlightened vulgar. You can now form a slight conception of the spiritual nature of our friend who is stuffing kalte schale. The first principle of his school is to reject all expressions which incline in the slightest degree to substantiality.