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Central Park, with its winding waters, was transformed into a superb mantle of dark green velvet splashed with silver, worthy of a royal fête. Behind us lay the sea, a vast field of glittering silver. Before us lay a wide expanse of Jersey's hills and dales that from our height appeared a plain, with many a reddish-gray splash upon its verdant stretches that indicated a village or a town.

We hoped for peace after Yorktown, but the depredations are now worse than ever. Something must be done, for New Jersey's very existence is threatened." "There seems to be a need of men," remarked the young man musingly. "When am I to report for duty, Uncle Tom?" Mr. Ashley turned toward him quickly. "There is need of men," he said.

Yet across our country, Governors like New Jersey's Tom Kean are giving classroom demonstrations that how we spend is as important as how much we spend.

Hallam's, they took him, when asleep, to Lady Jersey's: and, to see the Sieur Geoffrey, they say, when he opened his eyes in the illumined saloons, was really quite admirable! quite an Arabian tale!" "How delightful! I should have so liked to have seen him! He seems quite forgotten now in England. How came we to talk of him?" "Forgotten!

Burnet. Swift. Dog, dog, dog. Burnet, speaking of the interruption in the negotiations for a peace consequent on the Earl of Jersey's death, adds: One Prior, who had been Jersey's secretary, upon his death, was employed to prosecute that, which the other did not live to finish.

"Not much," the captain answered; "there's one caught now an' again, but all the good eatin' crabs belong further south. New Jersey's the place f'r crabs, an' I reckon most o' the soft-shell crabs o' the country come from there, but the business o' cannin' crabs is done way down in Chesapeake Bay, where there's crabs no end."

Yet across our country, Governors like New Jersey's Tom Kean are giving classroom demonstrations that how we spend is as important as how much we spend.

There is one superb specimen in Trenton, New Jersey's capital, which is of the typical form, and when crowded with scarlet berries it is an object of great beauty. One reason why many of us have not seen holly growing in the wild is that it seems to prefer the roughest and most inaccessible locations.

I was very young in the beautiful Jersey's time; and then there was the other one whom I used to drink tea with at Brighton. Ah me! what a dull world it seems nowadays! The King gone, and everything changed everything everything! I am a very old man, Mary Anne." He was fifty-two years of age; he felt quite an old man.

Throughout the land the glorious deeds of the Sixth corps became household words; but its glory had been dearly purchased. Five thousand of the heroes who crossed the Rappahannock on the 2d of May, were either dead or wounded. Colonel Van Houghton, one of New Jersey's bravest sons, had received a mortal wound, from which he died in the hands of the enemy.