United States or Seychelles ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They were thousands iv r-rounds iv catridges f'r ivry rig'mint, and all th' rig'mints had to do was to write f'r thim. Th' navy had taken Manila an' Cervera's fleet, an' th' ar-rmy had taken Sandago an' th' yellow fever. Th' war is over, an' peace wanst more wags her wings over th' counthry. Pine scantlings is quoted sthrong. Ivrywhere is peace an' contint.

Hennessy demanded. "Write?" echoed Mr. Dooley. "Write? Why shud he write? D'ye think Cousin George ain't got nawthin' to do but to set down with a fountain pen, an' write: 'Dear Mack, At 8 o'clock I begun a peaceful blockade iv this town. Ye can see th' pieces ivrywhere. I hope ye're injyin' th' same gr-reat blessin'. So no more at prisint. Fr'm ye'ers thruly, George Dooley. He ain't that kind.

Tynan was shadowed be detictives in citizens' clothes; an', whin he was seen out in his backyard practisin' blowin' up a bar'l that he'd dhressed in a shawl an' a little lace cap, th' suspicions growed. Ivrywhere that Tynan wint he was purshooed be th' minions iv tyranny.

A man that wants to be properly divoorced will have to start out an' do a tour iv our gr-reat Republic, an' be th' time he's thurly released he may want to do it all over agin with th' second choice iv his wild, glad heart. "It wud be a grand thing if it cud be straightened out. Th' laws ought to be th' same ivrywhere.

I was huntin' ivrywhere for my fallin'-block, but not findin' ut at all. I niver found ut. "Now fwhat will I do?" sez O'Hara, swinging the veranda light in his hand an' lookin' down the room. I had hate and contimpt av O'Hara an' I have now, dead tho' he is, but, for all that, will I say he was a brave man.

'Tis curious what an effect an iliction has on th' Irish Raypublican vote. In October an Irish Raypublican's so rare people point him out on th' sthreet, an' women carry their babies to see him. But th' day afther iliction, glory be, ye run into thim ivrywhere, on th' sthreet-car, in the sthreet, in saloons principally, an' at th' meetin's iv th' Raypublican Comity.

They called him th' boy or-rator iv Healey's slough. "He planned th' campaign himsilf. 'I'll not re-sort, says he, 'to th' ordin'ry methods, he says. 'Th' thing to do, he says, 'is to prisint th' issues iv th' day to th' voters, he says. 'I'll burn up ivry precin't in th' ward with me iloquince, he says. An' he bought a long black coat, an' wint out to spread th' light. "He talked ivrywhere.

Th' soord wint into him, an' he sunk down to th' flure; an' they had to carry him off. Well, sir, Hogan was that proud ye cudden't hold him f'r th' rest iv th' night. He wint around ivrywhere stickin' people an' soakin' thim with pothry. He's a gr-reat pote is this here Hogan, an' a gr-reat fighter. He done thim all at both; but, like me ol' frind Jawn L., he come to th' end.

'I'm sorry, he says, 'to lose me timper, he says, 'but, he says, 'afther all th' pretinded affection iv these people f'r us, he says, 'an' afther all we've done f'r thim in Alaska an' an' ivrywhere, he says, 'an' thim sellin' us coal whin they might've sold it to th' Spanyards if th' Spanyards'd had th' money, he says, 'to see th' conduct iv that coarse an' brutal Englishman 'Th' wan that won th' r-race? says I. 'Yes, he says.

I was huntin' ivrywhere for my fallin'-block, but not findin' ut at all. I niver found ut. "'Now fwhat will I do? sez O'Hara, swinging the veranda light in his hand an' lookin' down the room. I had hate and contimpt av O'Hara an' I have now, dead tho' he is, but, for all that, will I say he was a brave man.