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It was true; they had thrown a half dozen strings of shells on Hurlstone's unresisting shoulders, and, unheeding the few words he laughingly addressed them in their own dialect, they ran off a few paces, and remained standing, as if gravely contemplating their work. Suddenly, with a little outcry of terror, they turned, fled wildly past them, and disappeared in the bushes.

Presently he stopped, his attention disturbed by what appeared to be the fluttering of a black-winged, red-crested bird, in the bushes before him. The next moment he discovered it to be the rose-covered head of Dona Isabel, who was running towards them. Eleanor withdrew her arm from Hurlstone's. "Ah, imbecile!" said Dona Isabel, pouncing upon Eleanor Keene like an affectionate panther.

Hurlstone's contemptuous ignoring of the other ladies, Miss Keene became slightly embarrassed. Her confusion was not removed by the consciousness that the jealous eyes of Brace were fixed upon her. "Perhaps he thought it was night, and walked upon deck in his sleep," remarked Brace sarcastically. "He's probably gone back to bed."

"I am willing to stay with Father Esteban, if he will let me," said Eleanor Keene quietly, "for I have faith in Mr. Hurlstone's influence and courage, and believe he will be successful." The young man thanked her with another demonstrative look that brought the warm blood to her cheek. "Well," said Mrs.

I have foreseen all this; I have expected it from the day that girl sent you her woman's message, that was half a challenge, from her school I have known it from the day you walked together on the sea-shore. I was blind before that for I am weak in my way, too, and I had dreamed of other things. God has willed it otherwise." He paused, and returning the pressure of Hurlstone's hand, went on.

The Comandante will speed these heretics quickly on their way; but the doors by which they came and whence they go will never close again. But God's will be done! And if the open doors bring thee back, my son, I shall not question His will!" It would seem, however, as if Hurlstone's fears had been groundless.

Markham, whose linguistic deficiencies had debarred her from the previous conversation. "You have only," continued the priest, without noticing the interruption, "to tell us what you know of this Hurlstone's plans, of his complicity with Senor Perkins, or," he added significantly, "his opposition to them to insure that perfect justice shall be done to all."

"I was NEVER with her, neither then nor before," returned Senor Perkins gravely. Seeing Hurlstone's momentary surprise, he went on, "The late Mrs. M'Corkle and I never met we were personally unknown to each other.

He laid the papers on the table, and, turning to Hurlstone, lifted his tremulous hands in the air. "And now, my son, may the grace of God" He faltered and stopped, his uplifted arms falling helplessly on Hurlstone's shoulders.

Brooks has had the lower deck cleared, so that you may gain your state-room without alarming the passengers or fatiguing yourself." He pressed Hurlstone's hand as the latter resigned himself to the steward, and was half led, half supported, through the gloom of the lower deck. Senor Perkins remained for an instant gazing after him with even more than his usual benevolence.