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"I don't care about that, but I'm very sorry that I've stained the table-cloth," and I looked at Mrs. Hollenbeck as if I thought that she would scold me for it. But she quite reassured me. Indeed, I think she was so pleased with me, that she would not have minded seeing me ruin all the table-cloths that she had.

"Three men run them all; Pierce, Gibbs, and Hollenbeck." "E.M. Pierce?" "Elias Middleton Pierce." "I had luncheon with him yesterday, and with Mr. Gibbs " "Ah! That's where you got your notions about the strike." " and neither of them spoke of any newspaper interests." "Catch them at it! They're the Publication Committee of the Retail Dry Goods Union." "What is that?"

All families have their little Sunday habits, I have found; the Sunday rule in this house was, to have tea at half-past six, and to walk by the river till after the sun had set; then to come home and have sacred music in the parlor. I kept beside Mrs. Hollenbeck and Benny, where only I felt safe.

Whether or not it was waiting until I came within the swoop of its mighty tail I know not, but I had the feeling that I had escaped a great danger. It was curious that it should have been so bold only a few days after Mr. Hollenbeck had been down shooting at them.

Kilian had already deserted me, and was talking to Miss Leighton, who had come half-way down the steps to meet him, and who only gave me a glance and a very pretty smile and nod, when Mrs. Hollenbeck presented me to them.

Hollenbeck, a little stiffly. "I think Mr. Langenau is a gentleman." But at this moment his step was heard in the hall below, and there was an end put to the conversation. Last night, when some one spoke his name, From my swift blood that went and came A thousand little shafts of flame Were shivered in my narrow frame. Tennyson.

Hollenbeck, of Greytown, had placed on the lake to convey passengers and goods between Granada and San Carlos, at the head of the river San Juan. We arrived at San Ubaldo at two o'clock, and found our mules safe but foot-sore, through travelling over the rocky hills from Santo Claro. The San Jose plains were in a dreadfully muddy state, and for five miles we went plunging through the swamps.

Whitney and I, being the only new-comers, were advised which seats belonged to us by a trim young maid-servant, and I, for one, was very glad to get into mine. Mr. Whitney was my neighbor on one hand, the youngest of the Hollenbeck boys on the other. These were our seats: Kilian, Miss Leighton, Miss Henrietta Palmer, Miss Benson, Mr. Eugene Whitney, Tutor, Myself, Boy, Boy, Mrs. Hollenbeck.

I was leaning over the stairs when the bell rang, and did not need a second message. Ann, who continued to feel a care for my personal appearance, followed me to the landing-place and gave my sash a last pull. When I found myself in the parlor I began to experience a little embarrassment. Mrs. Hollenbeck was so pretty and her dress was so dainty, the dingy, stiff, old parlor filled me with dismay.

In Evans' first edition it is erroneously stated in the text to be from Texas. We slept on board one of the steamers of the American Transit Company. Hollenbeck, and used by the navigation company which he established. These steamers are built expressly for shallow rivers, and are very different structures from anything we see in England.