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As regards the internal situation of Bulgaria, I may proudly say that our conditions have improved, and that everybody in the country looks forward to the great national undertaking we are about to embark on with immense joy and enthusiasm." So far as Bulgaria was concerned things did not look well for the Allies in the beginning of August, 1915. Prince Hohenlohe-Langenburg was warmly received.

At the Royal Academy, 1903, she exhibited a medallion portrait in bronze. <b>GRATZ, MARIE.</b> Born at Karlsruhe, 1839. This portrait painter was a pupil of Bergmann, and later of Schick and Canon. Among her best-known portraits are those of Prince and Princess Lippe-Detmold, Princess Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince Wittgenstein, the hereditary Princess Reuss, and Princess Biron von Kurland.

There were also present, besides the Duke and the Dowager Duchess, their Serene Highnesses the Princes Alexander and Ernest of Wurtemberg, Prince Leiningen, Princess Hohenlohe-Langenburg, and Princess Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst. Dr.

And then, her conscience being uneasy regarding her robbery of territory from Bulgaria, she must also be quite certain how Bulgaria was going to turn. Having failed at Bucharest, the German agent, Prince Hohenlohe-Langenburg, moved on to Sofia.

Just a week after this note was received in the Rumanian capital, Prince Hohenlohe-Langenburg, whose wife was a sister of the Queen of Rumania, arrived in Bucharest and tried to induce King Ferdinand to come to terms with Austria, or at least to allow the transportation of war munitions through the country to the Turks, who were then running short of ammunition. The king refused this concession.