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Virgil Hinshaw, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Prohibition Party; and Miss Mabel Vernon, Secretary of the National Woman's Party. It was the first suffrage conference with the President after the declaration of war, and was the last deputation on suffrage by minority party leaders. The conference was one of the utmost informality and friendliness.

James T. Patterson, Assistant Superintendent of Horticulture; Mr. A. B. Strough, in charge of the Forestry, Fish and Game exhibit; Dr. H. H. Hinshaw, in charge of the Scientific exhibit, and the following officials of the State building: Hon. Frank J. LeFevre, Superintendent; Mrs. Dore Lyon, Hostess; Mrs. F. P. Applebee, Assistant Hostess; Miss Laura C. MacMartin, Matron, and Mr.

"I says to her, I says, 'I seen it standing on the sidewalk next to your French maid and I wanted to buy one like it for my little niece." "Can we get it to-night?" "Yes, proud papa! But listen; I wrote it down, 'Hinshaw, 2227 Casset Street, Brooklyn." "Brooklyn!"

"Yes, two blocks from the Bridge, and for a henpecked husband you got a large fat job on your hands if you want to make another getaway to-night. This man Hinshaw shows 'em right in his house." "Brooklyn, of all places!" "Right-oh!" He snapped his fingers in a series of rapid clicks. "Ain't that the limit?