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"Bad luck and a girl?... To hell with both!" he said. "Shore you're talkin' religion. Thet's where both luck an' gurls come from," replied the unlucky gamester. "Will one of you hawgs pass the whiskey?" The increased interest with which Kells looked down upon Jim Cleve was not lost upon Joan.

"I reckon thar ain't eny Injuns, er nuthin'?" "Hell, no; they're all t'other direction; nuthin' worse'n wolves. Say, though, yer might have trouble with them gurls got a gun?" "No." He reached back into a small drawer under the shelf, and brought out an ugly-looking weapon, tried the hammer movement with his thumb, and handed it over to me with a grin. "Some cannon, an' I want it back.

Did you ever hunt?" "No." "Wal, you've shore missed a lot of fun," he said. "Turkey huntin'. Thet's what fetches the gurls. I reckon because turkeys are so good to eat. The old gobblers hev begun to gobble now. I'll take you gobbler huntin' if you'd like to go." "I'm sure I would." "There's good trout fishin' along heah a little later," he said, pointing to the stream. "Crick's too high now.

"Nicely dressed gurls, well-cared for gurls. Daughters of decent people. Here you come all this way, I guess sent by your parents to represent them properly, and properly fitted out in nice black clothes and all, and you start making fun. Pretending. Playing kind of hide-and-seek with me about the funeral. Messing me up in a lot of words. I don't like it. I'm a father myself, and I don't like it.

"An' the Colonel av the rig'mint had a daughter wan av thim lamblike, bleatin', pick-me-up-an'-carry-me-or-I'll-die gurls such as was made for the natural prey av men like the Capt'n, who was iverlastin' payin' coort to her, though the Colonel he said time an' over, 'Kape out av the brute's way, my dear. But he niver had the heart for to send her away from the throuble, bein' as he was a widower, an' she their wan child."

O'Gaygun's conversation was burdened with constant reference to "purty gurls," whom he had seen in former days; and he became so violently attentive to the wife of one of our neighbours, that, we began to think he would have to be seriously expostulated with. Dandy Jack was restless, betraying less interest than usual in his personal appearance, and talking of going to Auckland for a spell.

Her eyes were very bright. Her face, ordinarily colourless as parchment, was red. Positively she kissed them without saying a single word; and they kissed her back with such enthusiasm, with a relief that made them hug her so tight and cling to her so close, that the brightness in her eyes brimmed over and she had to get out her handkerchief and wipe it away. "Gurls," said Mrs.

Der's nine haid o' us, but we's de oniest boys. De yethers ain' nothin' but gurls." "And how old are you!" "I'se nine I reckons." "And what is your name?" "My name Gus, sah." "That's only HALF a name. Your whole name is really Augustus remember." The "Massa Captain's" voice boomed with the sound of the sea. Augustus and his brothers were duly impressed.

We aal hed to get out, an' a chap in green clothes sed we shood hev to wait ten minits. Thur wur a lot gwain into a room, an' I seed they wur eatin' and drinkin'; so I ses to meself, "I be rayther peckish, I'll go in an' see if I can get summut." So in I goes; an' 'twer a vine pleace, wi' sum nation good-looking gurls a-waitin'. "I'll hev a half-quartern loaf," I sed.

The old driver smothered a loud guffaw. "Veehicle! Wal, I'll be doggoned! Joe, did you hear thet? All the spunky gurls ain't born out West." As Helen followed with cloak and bag Roy assisted her, and she encountered keen eyes upon her face. He seemed both gentle and respectful, and she felt his solicitude. His heavy gun, swinging low, struck her as she stepped down.