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On such rare occasions Mrs. Guffy had always proved equal to the emergency, possessing Irish facility with either tongue or club. Mr. Hampton during the course of his somewhat erratic career had previously passed several eventful weeks in Glencaid.

Without, the Miners' Home put up a good front, which along the border is considered the chief matter of importance, and was in reality the most pretentious structure gracing the single cluttered street of Glencaid.

Heretofore the pastime of the Bachelors' Club had been largely bibulous, and the members thereof had exhibited small inclination to seek the ordinary methods of social relaxation as practised in Glencaid.

Up the valley of the Bear Water, slightly above Glencaid, far enough beyond the saloon radius to protect his men from possible corruption, yet within easy reach of the military telegraph, they made camp in the early morning upon a wooded terrace overlooking the stage road, and settled quietly down as one of those numerous posts with which the army chiefs sought to hem in the dissatisfied redmen, and learn early the extent of their hostile plans.

"FORT A. LINCOLN, June 17, 1876. "HAMPTON, Glencaid: "Seventh gone west, probably Yellowstone. Brant with them. Murphy, government scout, at Cheyenne waiting orders. "BITTON, Commanding." He crushed the paper in his hand, thinking thinking of the past, the present, the future. He had borne much in these last years, much misrepresentation, much loneliness of soul.

I was in hopes you knew what it was, and I am very sure he would welcome your ministrations. You have the only church in Glencaid, I understand, and I wonder greatly he has never joined you. But perhaps he may be prejudiced against your denomination. There is so much narrowness in religion.

To one in the least inclined toward fastidiousness, the Miners' Home at Glencaid would scarcely appeal as a desirable place for long-continued residence. But such a one would have had small choice in the matter, as it chanced to be the only hotel there.

"Nervy little devil," he acknowledged slowly to himself. "And maybe, after all, that would be the best thing for the Kid." They were seated rather close together upon the steep hillside, gazing silently down upon squalid Glencaid.

Their own notion seems to be to shake the rattle-box, and awaken a laugh. I am not a baby, nor am I seeking amusement." He glanced curiously at her book. "And yet you condescend to read love stories," he said, smiling. "I expected to discover a treatise on philosophy." "I read whatever I chance to get my hands on, here in Glencaid," she retorted, "just as I converse with whoever comes along.

Little Glencaid was almost out of the world so far as recent news was concerned. The military telegraph, however, formed a connecting link with the War Department, so that Brant knew something of the terrible condition of the Northwest.