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The two oldest and most interesting monuments of Les Baux have been unnoticed in the last chapter. These are the sculptured stones of Tremaie and Gaie. They are two limestone blocks fallen from the precipices above, lying on the flounce of rubble near the bottom of the promontory of Les Baux, the one on the east the other on the south.

"You see, there was such high degree of womanliness in her, and such tenderness, and what love! Lord! I did not know how to appreciate my happiness then. We would return after the theatre, and have a little supper together. It was never dull where she was, toujours gaie, toujours aimante. Yes, and I had never imagined what rare happiness it was. Et j'ai beaucoup a me reprocher in regard to her.

Quand, apres quelques annees, mon pere se maria, Catherine continua son activite dans la maison, mais avec son bon sens naturel, en refera la responsabilite a sa jeune maitresse, qu'elle aimait beaucoup. Ma mere chercha par bien des moyens a la distraire de son chagrin. Elle devint plus gaie, quand elle nous raconta des histoires et fit des jeux avec nous.

The Tremaie Representation of C. Marius, Martha, and Julia The Gaie The Teutons and Ambrons and Cimbri threaten Italy C. Marius sent against them His camp at S. Gabriel The canal he cut The barbarians cross the Rhone First brush with them They defile before him at Orgon The rout of the Ambrons at Les Milles He follows the Teutons The plain of Pourrieres Position of Marius The battle Slaughter of the Teutons Position of their camp Monument of Marius Venus Victrix Annual commemoration.

I found her gaie, fraiche, contente, and writing a letter, and when I began by saying, "So you persist then in leaving this very pretty room," she smiled. I think that she is perfectly satisfied with the option she has made, and I really think that she has reason to be so, toutes choses bien considerees.

Following this lead, Thomas Wilson, the English rhetorician and statesman, defines logic and rhetoric as follows: Logic is occupied about all matters, and doeth plainlie and nakedly set forth with apt wordes the sum of things, by way of argumentation. Rhetorike useth gaie painted sentences, and setteth forthe those matters with freshe colours and goodly ornaments, and that at large.

I doubt even if he had a sense of humour in the ordinary meaning of that term, or in the Frenchman's definition: "la mélancholie gaie que les Anglais nomment 'humour." To say this is not to say that he did not enjoy a humorous, an ironic, a witty, or an epigrammatic story or saying. He enjoyed such things immensely and would laugh heartily at them.

In the belief that such is the case, Mass is said in the chapel on the 25th of May, and there is a concourse of devotees assembled from the neighbourhood around the little chapel and memorial stone. The second sculptured block lies about three hundred paces to the south, and is called Les Gaie, i.e., Caii imagines.

Are they not here in the host, from the shores of loved Lacedaimon? Or, though they came with the rest in the ships that bound through the waters, Dare they not enter the fight, or stand in the council of heroes, All for fear of the shame and the taunts my crime has awakened?" And then: Hos phato. Tous d'ede kalechen phusizoos aia, En Lakedaimoni authi, phile en patridi gaie.

It was flat as an old woman's palm; it was also as fertile as the city sitting in the midst of its luxuriance has been rich in history. "Ce pays est tres beau, et Caen la plus jolie ville, la plus avenante, la plus gaie, la mieux situee, les plus belles rues, les plus beaux batiments, les plus belles eglises "