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"The worst part of that," he went on, "is that it would be completely obvious. The Council's right when it worries about fumbles here. Tranest and the Devagas know the thing is in there. If the Federation can't produce it, both those outfits have the Council over a barrel. Or we could be setting the Hub up for fifty years of fighting among the member worlds, sometime in the next few hours."

"I feel as though I had lost something," one of the justices of the peace whispers to the other. "I feel as I did when my wife ran away with the engineer. . . . I can't eat." Marfutkin, before beginning to eat, fumbles for a long time in his pocket and looks for his handkerchief.

'There are certain Laws of Nature that Free Rural Delivery can't overcome. "Andy fumbles around awhile in the closet and comes out dressed in a suit with brown and yellow checks as big as your hand. His vest is red with blue dots, and he wears a high silk hat. I noticed he'd soaked his sandy mustache in a kind of blue ink. "'Great Barnums? says I. 'You're a ringer for a circus thimblerig man.

She has no book with her; not a single page of a book, and yet she fumbles in her pockets, looks down repeatedly at her hands, turns her head and scrutinizes the streets behind her, exerts her sensitive little brain to the utmost in trying to discover what book it is I am talking about.

"Good work, old man!" the captain shouted in his ear. "Great line-bucking!" "But almost a fumble!" came the sharp voice of Coach Jackson. "What was the matter, Fairfield? You nearly dropped the ball." "It wasn't passed accurately," asserted Tom. "Aw, go on! It was so!" snapped Sam. "Well, don't let it happen again," advised the coach. "Fumbles are costly they mean the loss of a game many a time.

"One of Lord Middleton's officers hath done a man to death not half an hour agone; he is an Irishman Captain Hogan by name." "Hogan Hogan?" repeated Crispin, after the manner of one who fumbles in his memory. "Ah, yes an Irishman with a grey head and a hot temper. And he is dead, you say?" "Nay, he has done the killing." "That I can better understand. 'Tis not the first time, I'll be sworn."

Everything was almost invisible until you came close to it. This was the reason why Varney and his pursuer met with several severe accidents fumbles and hard knocks against impediments which the light and the rapid flight they were taking did not admit of their avoiding very well.

There is scarcely a work left in Latin or Greek that has not been translated into and assimilated and more or less completely superseded by English, French, and German works; but the schoolmaster, heedless of these things, still arrests the pupil at the old portal, fumbles with the keys, and partially opens the door into a ransacked treasure-chamber.

Then behold him such general amputation not having proved fatal advancing to the door muffled like a monk! There is a slippered flight. He dives beneath the covers. But does he fear the wind as it fumbles around the porch and plays like a kitten with the awning cords?

"Well, it's this way," continued Barker Bunn. "You know I had a bit of experience in listening post while I was with the Canadians down around 'Wipers'; and I noticed that most of the troubles came from a bad method of procedure. Fellows went out any old way; followed each other in the dark, and then hunted for each other and came to grief; all those kind of silly fumbles.