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En la villa de Valladolid á veinte é ocho dias del mes de setiembre de mill y quinientos y setenta y seis años, habiendo visto los Señores licenciado D. Francisco de Menchaca del Consejo de S.M., é dotor Guijano de Mercado, é licenciado Andrés de Álava Inquisidores, juntamente con los Señores licenciado Luis Tello Maldonado, D. Pedro de Castro, Francisco de Albornoz, oidores desta Real audiencia é chancillería, asistiendo á ello por ordinario del obispado de Salamanca el Señor doctor Frechilla catredático en esta universidad, por virtud del poder que para ello tiene del Señor obispo de Salamanca, que está en el secreto deste Sancto Oficio, el proceso criminal de fray Luis de Leon, de la órden de Sancto Agustin; los dichos Señores le votaron en la forma siguiente.

The most damaging witnesses Medina, Castro, and Zúñiga had been called at a very early stage of the proceedings. These heavy guns had been fired without destroying the adversary. There was nothing for it now but to hope for the worst from the reports of the official calificadores, Dr. Cáncer, Fray Nicolas Ramos, and Dr. Frechilla, who did their utmost to fulfil expectations.

Even the milder judgement of Guijano and Frechilla seemed excessive to the Supreme Inquisition, which curtly ordered its deputies at Valladolid to acquit Luis de Leon, to reprimand him and warn him to be more careful in future, and to confiscate the manuscript copy of his Spanish version of the Song of Solomon. These orders, dated at Madrid on December 7, 1576, were, of course, obeyed.