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In the Belgian Union Catalog, for example, the use of SGML allows one first to add descriptive elements stemming from the MARC format and other formats, and second to facilitate the production of the annual CD-ROM. The libraries also have to adapt their thesauri and their key-word lists.

This is a much more comforting paternity than the various commercial launchings in proprietary formats that peppered the early 2000s. In July 1971, sending a 5K file to 100 people would have crashed the network of the time.

The main formats used are XML, TIF and DjVu. A field "Full Text" was also added as an experimental feature. It will then also be possible to choose the font and size of characters and the background color. Another eagerly expected conversion is that of a book from one language to another by machine translation software.

LEXIS-NEXIS is an international provider of enhanced information services and management tools using on-line, Internet, CD-ROM and hardcopy formats for a variety of professionals. It serves customers in more than 60 countries.

In the fifteenth century, that naive and vigorous age, names were given to the various formats as well as to the different sizes of type, names that bear the impress of the naivete of the times; and the various sheets came to be known by the different watermarks on their centres; the grapes, the figure of our Saviour, the crown, the shield, or the flower-pot, just as at a later day, the eagle of Napoleon's time gave the name to the "double-eagle" size.

Project Gutenberg promotes digitization intext format”, meaning that a book can be copied, indexed, searched, analyzed and compared with other books. Contrary to other formats, the files are accessible for low-bandwidth use. = In a Few Words If the print book is 5 centuries and a half old, the electronic book is only 37 years old.

In December 2003, there were 11,000 books digizited in several formats, most of them in ASCII, and some of them in HTML or XML. This represented 46,000 files, and 110 G. On 13 February 2004, the day of Michael Hart's presentation at UNESCO, in Paris, there were exactly 11,340 books in 25 languages. In May 2004, the 12,581 books represented 100,000 files in 20 different formats, and 135 gigabytes.

Project Gutenberg is convinced that proofreading by human beings is a very important step, and that this step makes all the difference. The use of scanned books as is converted to text format by OCR software with no proofreading gives a much lower quality result. After running OCR software, the text is 99% reliable, in the best of cases. The main formats used are XML, TIF and DjVu.

Text-format books can also be easily used by those who want to offer them in more sophisticated formats, without any restriction except for respect for copyright laws in the country involved and the availability of new free versions produced. Some readers have asked about how volunteer proofreaders work.

The section Project Gutenberg PrePrints was set up in January 2006 to collect items submitted to Project Gutenberg which for some reason were interesting enough to be available online, but not quite ready yet to be added to the main Project Gutenberg collection, the reason being for example missing data, low-quality files, formats which were not handy, etc.