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Test both filtrates for complete precipitation by adding a few cubic centimeters of magnesia mixture and allowing them to stand for some time.

Cool the mixture and filter; wash the residue with strong alcohol, and mix the filtrates. The residue may be set aside for the detection of the metallic poisons, if suspected. Expel the alcohol by careful evaporation. On the evaporation of the alcohol the resinous and fatty matters separate. Filter through a filter moistened with water.

All filtrates and wash-waters without exception must be properly tested. !This lies at the foundation of accurate work!, and the student should clearly understand that it is only by the invariable application of this rule that assurance of ultimate reliability can be secured.

"No growth on any of the plates. At first I thought I had something going, but if I did, it died, and I can't find any sign of it in the filtrates." "But we've got to have something to work on," Tiger said desperately. "Look, there are some things that always measure out the same in any intelligent creature no matter where he comes from. That's the whole basis of galactic medicine.

And running at last, and penetrating through numberless vessels to moisten all the members, it filtrates in the flesh, and becomes itself flesh.

One sunny evening when our boat lay in a calm and sheltered creek, formed by the Mont du Chat, and we were delightfully lulled by the distant sound of a cascade which perpetually murmurs in the grottos through which it filtrates before losing itself in the abyss of water, our boatmen landed to draw some nets they had set the day before.

If, however, the silica is removed and the filtrates are again evaporated and the residue heated, the amount of silica remaining in solution is usually negligible, although several evaporations and filtrations are required with some silicates to insure absolute accuracy.

De Schweinitz and Dorset in 1903 produced typical hog-cholera by inoculating hogs with cholera-blood filtrates that were free from any organism that could be demonstrated by microscopical examination or any cultural method. The term ultra-visible virus is applied to the virus of hog-cholera.

It is an excellent practice, when possible, to retain filtrates and precipitates until the completion of an analysis, in order that, in case of question, they may be examined to discover sources of error. For the complete removal of precipitates from containing vessels, it is often necessary to rub the sides of these vessels to loosen the adhering particles.

Filter A, and carefully neutralize the filtrate with very dilute hydrochloric or acetic acid, equal to a precipitate of alkali-albumen. Filter off the precipitate, and on testing the filtrate, peptones are found. The intermediate bodies, the albumoses, are not nearly so readily obtained from pancreatic as from gastric digests. Experiment 75. Filter B and C, and carefully neutralize the filtrates.