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The men drank a light, sound, aromatic Irish of the major's; the women except Marion, who took what the men took used claret sparingly. Coffee was served where they sat; the men smoking, Agatha and Marion producing their own cigarettes. "Don't you smoke any more?" asked Grace Ferrall of Leila Mortimer, and at the smiling negative, "Oh, that perhaps explains it.

"We must get hold of Mr. Steele as soon as possible," said Fenn, excitedly. "Breen, call up his home address again, and if he isn't there, go there and stick till he comes. Now, for some one to identify this body. Call up the Schuyler house no, better go around there. Where is it, Ferrall?" "Go straight out to the Avenue, and turn down. It's No. only part of a block down. Who's going?"

Another policeman came in at the street door. "What's up?" he said, looking about in amazement. "You here, Mr. Fenn? Lowney? What's doing?" It was Patrolman Ferrall, the officer on the beat. "Where you been?" asked the coroner. "Don't you know what has happened?" "No; ever since midnight I been handling a crowd at a fire a couple blocks away. This is Miss Van Allen's house."

Marion caught it, but her brother Gordon got it away; then Ferrall secured it and dived toward the red goal; but Rena Bonnesdel caught him under water; the ball bobbed up, and Sylvia flung both arms around it with a little warning shout and hurled it back at Siward, who shot forward like an arrow, his opponents gathering about him in full cry, amid laughter and excited applause from the gallery, where Grace Ferrall and Captain Voucher were wildly offering odds on the blue, and Alderdene and Major Belwether were thriftily booking them.

"Here, give it to me. … Wait! It isn't for me. It's for Mr Siward!" Siward, standing at his open door, swayed slightly. A thrill of pure fear struck him through and through. He laid one hand on the door to steady himself, and stepped forward as Ferrall came up. "Oh! You're awake, Stephen. Here's a telegram." He extended his hand. Siward took the yellow envelope, fumbled it, tore it open.

Siward, moving his head slightly, glanced up, then brought his sketch to a brilliant finish. "Don't you think something of this sort is practicable?" he asked pleasantly, including Mrs. Ferrall and Katharyn Tassel in a general appeal which brought them into the circle of two.

Ferrall's pretty face impressed between both her hands, and looking her mischievously in the eyes, she whispered: "'Comme vous, maman, faut-il faire? Eh! mes petits-enfants, pourquoi, Quand j'ai fait comme ma grand' mère, Ne feriez-vous pas comme moi?" "O Lord!" said Mrs. Ferrall, "I'll never meddle again and the entire world may marry and take the consequences!"

Ferrall?" repeated the baggage-master, spinning a trunk dexterously into rank with its fellows. "Say, one of Mr. Ferrall's men was here just now there he is, over there uncrating that there bird-dog!"

"Grace Ferrall is a dear," she replied. After a moment he ventured: "I suppose you saw it in the papers." "I think so; I had completely forgotten it; your name seemed to " "I see." Then, listlessly: "I couldn't have ventured to remind you that that perhaps you might not care to be so amiable " "Mr. Siward," she said impulsively, "you are nice to me! Why shouldn't I be amiable?

He led the cotillon with agreeable precision and impersonal accuracy, favouring her at intervals; and though she wasted no favours on him, she endured his, which was sufficient evidence that matters were still in statu quo. She returned to town next morning with Grace Ferrall, irritable, sulky, furious with herself at the cowardly relief she felt.