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The donor of this precious relic was Philip de Fauconberg, Canon of Hereford and Archdeacon of Huntingdon. The next Bishop, Ralph de Maydenstan, 1234-1239, presented some service-books to the cathedral.

"Wives, sir," he said, "are not made to look at, unless, indeed, they be the wives of other men. But dismiss these follies for the nonce. Back to thy post by the king's pavilion; and by the way ask Lord Fauconberg and Aymer Nevile, whom thou wilt pass by yonder arbour, ask them, in my name, to be near the pavilion while the king banquets.

There may be a reminiscence of this, due to its author's Seceder training, in a passage in Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell, where, after describing the Protector's death, and the grief of his daughter Lady Fauconberg, he goes on to say, "Husht poor weeping Mary! Here is a Life-battle right nobly done. Seest thou not

"Wives, sir," he said, "are not made to look at, unless, indeed, they be the wives of other men. But dismiss these follies for the nonce. Back to thy post by the king's pavilion; and by the way ask Lord Fauconberg and Aymer Nevile, whom thou wilt pass by yonder arbour, ask them, in my name, to be near the pavilion while the king banquets.

Hampden, Mr. He was in this wise at issue with some of his hotter Cavalier neighbours, as, for instance, Sir Basil Fauconberg, who, whenever public matters were under question, began with "Neighbour, you must first show me Pym, Hampden, Haslerigge, and the rest, swinging as the Sign of the Rogue's Head, and then I will begin to chop Logic with you." For a long time Mr. Mr.

The last owner Sir George Wombwell, Bart. inherited the property from his grandmother, who was a daughter of the last Lord Fauconberg. Sir George was one of the three surviving officers who took part in the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava on October 25, 1854.

Cromwell had two daughters unmarried; one of them he now gave in marriage to the grandson and heir of his great friend the earl of Warwick, with whom he had, in every fortune, preserved an uninterrupted intimacy and good correspondence. The other he married to the viscount Fauconberg of a family formerly devoted to the royal party.

To Ireland it went, discreetly sad, and, marrying a kinswoman of Lord Fauconberg, the connection least exposed to Fortune's caprice of all the alliances formed by the Lord Protector's family, it was safe when Cromwell visited Ireland; and no less safe when Charles II. was restored to England.

"The Lord Richard is not cast in his great father's mould; he is a gentler and a feebler spirit; one who loves to hear of, or to read of, great deeds, rather than to act them. Lady Fauconberg is more like your father." "My sister Mary would certainly have made a fine man. It was one of nature's blunders to convert such coarse clay into a woman."

At the Dissolution Newburgh was given by Henry VIII to Anthony Belasyse, the punning motto of whose family was Bonne et belle assez. One of his descendants was created Lord Fauconberg by Charles I, and the peerage became extinct in 1815, on the death of the seventh to bear the title.