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At his prayer I followed the train of his queen, and hushed the proud hearts of our barons to obeisance. But since then, this Dame Woodville, whom I queened, if her husband mated, must dispute this roiaulme with mine and me, a Nevile, nowadays, must vail his plume to a Woodville!

"Your Highness will pardon me," interrupted Montagu; "but I do trust to your esteem for our poor and insulted House of Nevile so far as to be assured that the name of my niece Isabel will not be submitted to the ribald comments of a base-born Burgundian." "Then I will break no lance in the lists!"

As soon as Alwyn had departed, Madge appeared with the final refreshment, called "the Wines," consisting of spiced hippocras and confections, of the former of which the Nevile partook in solemn silence.

Sir Marmaduke, knighted by the hand of Lord Warwick, Sir Marmaduke Nevile, lord of a manor he hath never yet seen, sober Alwyn." Then drawing his foster-brother's arm in his, Marmaduke led him to the chamber in which he lodged.

Is she, too, in the fortress?" "Yes," said Alwyn, briefly, not liking the last part of the earl's speech. The earl rang the bell on his table. "Send hither Sir Marmaduke Nevile." Alwyn saw his former rival enter, and heard the earl commission him to accompany, with a fitting train, his own litter to the Tower.

"Come and take them," said the Nevile, unconscious that he uttered a reply famous in classic history, as he sprang backward a step or so, and threw himself into an attitude of defence. The stranger slowly raised a rude kind of mace, or rather club, with a ball of iron at the end, garnished with long spikes, as he replied, "Art thou mad eno' to fight for such trifles?"

There, boys of fourteen, on their small horses, ran against each other with blunted lances. A few grim old warriors sat by to censure or applaud. Most skilled among the younger was the son of Lord Montagu; among the maturer, the name of Marmaduke Nevile was the most often shouted.

"No, my dear foster-brother," said the Nevile, "I do not yet comprehend the choice you have made. You were reared and brought up with such careful book-lere, not only to read and to write the which, save the mark!

"But why," asked the Nevile, "did they give to your father so unholy a name?" "Alas, sir! he is a great scholar, who has spent his means in studying what he says will one day be of good to the people."

Worldly as the latter was, and personally attached to Edward, he was still keenly alive to all that touched the honour of his House; and his indignation at the deadly insult offered to his niece was even more loudly expressed than that of the fiery earl. "To deem," he exclaimed, "to deem Elizabeth Woodville worthy of his throne, and to see in Anne Nevile the only worthy to be his leman!"