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"'It's shore what you calls a mighty indurated play, says Jack, shakin' his head, 'to go shootin' some he'pless gent you've took; but, as I states, it's a cinch it'll be a heap fatiguin' keepin' cases on this yere Mexican till we meets up with a quorum of the committee. Still it's our dooty, an' of course we don't double-deal, nor put back kyards on what's our plain dooty.

Drawin' so many salaries is rather fatiguin', you know, and, as I said, I started out for a rest; but when I seen how things were goin' in New York State, and how a great big black shadow hung over us, I said to myself: "No rest for you, George. Your work ain't done. Your country still needs you and you mustn't lay down yet." What was the great big black shadow?

The deacon, he's a good man, but he dreadful fatiguin'." The wheels belonged to Squire Pettijohn's buggy, in which were seated Aunt Eunice and himself. This was a combination which, as Katy related it from the window, greatly astonished Moses. Yet there was nothing surprising in the fact, after all.

"This poor ould person is quoite aimless," says his wife with dispassionate apology; "but what can you expect at noinety-one?" I say tritely that it is a great age. "He's very fatiguin' on toimes! that he is!" she continues, eying him with contemplated candor "he crumbles his wittles to that extent that I 'ave to make him sit upo' the News of the World."