United States or Ireland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The ex-army officer had something which he wished to discuss with his prospective father-in-law. He opened upon the subject when they had gone a piece down the flagged sidewalk and turned towards the house.

The Indian agents should not be dependent for their appointment or tenure of office upon considerations of partisan politics; the practice of appointing, when possible, ex-army officers or bonded superintendents to the vacancies that occur is working well. Attention is invited to the widespread illiteracy due to lack of public schools in the Indian Territory.

"I suppose," the captain concluded as they entered the building and made their way to the room in which Major Church was waiting, "you know who some of the men at this conference are. Besides Mr. Dean and myself, Major Smith, our chief, is an ex-army officer. Colonel Graham is Syd Graham's father. Mr. Smythe comes from Toronto; he is in the employ of the Government. Well, here we are."

Well, he would turn the matter over to Harleston; let him decide whether it was to be thumbs up or thumbs down for her Alluringness. Furthermore, the meeting with Snodgrass now assumed much significance. Snodgrass was an ex-army officer. Harleston must be warned at once. He tried for him at the Collingwood, the Cosmopolitan, the Rataplan, and finally at the Chateau. He got him there.

While the northerners made these final preparations their guides slipped away for a time. Pedro, on his return, announced that the canoes had been concealed. Lourenço, bringing back the freshly filled canteens of the ex-army men, delivered with them the marching orders of the day. "If you thirst, comrades, drink only from your canteens.

He was prepared to think that she had done a wiser thing than to engage herself to young Eastman, especially if the man was rich enough to take care of her. The position would be good, too. He thought generously of that consideration, although it touched him in his tenderest spot of vanity. "She will do well to marry an ex-army officer," he thought. "She will have the entree to any society."

Through the whole day Tom slept nor did the ex-Army nurse once quit the shack. When dark came Tim Walsh had just finished lighting the lamp and shading it when he turned to find Tom Reade glaring angrily into his eyes. "Tim, what does this treachery mean?" Reade questioned in a hoarse whisper. "It means, sir, that you had tired yourself out so that you were no longer fit to nurse your partner.

There towards the west his great country lay wrapped in ocean's aloofness. The pointed doubts of the ex-army captain had been confirmed America had stood aside. Well, why shouldn't she! It was all very well, he argued, for Britain to pose as a protector of Belgium, but she could not afford to do otherwise.

Nina, Eileen, and Selwyn formed a lagging and leisurely rear-guard, though always within signalling distance of Boots and the main body; and, when necessary, the two ex-army men wig-wagged to each other across the uplands to the endless excitement and gratification of the children.

He also bought a dry battery pack which gave 80 volts, and an enormous single headphone for one ear which was ex-army surplus. When he returned home and began to build his receiver he raided his mother's kitchen to build things like terminals, switches etc.