United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His legs were much drunker than his arms, and when the two determined youngsters flung themselves upon him and shoved him out of the door, he lost his balance and fell headlong to the street below. By this time the party had swarmed into the hall and out on the steps and Mr. Demry's gentle, frightened face could be seen peering over their decorated heads.

Featherstone, since you ask me, I'll tell you, said old Dan he's savage as a wild boar, you know, and won't be delayed at meetings. 'The reason is that the last time you were drunker than you are now. If you would adopt a uniform standard of intoxication for the directors' meetings of this road, it would expedite matters considerably." They had got as far as the romaine salad.

"The evening Watson took me to your room at the Dufferin House. Besides, you promised me a share in the mine." Stormont smiled. "That accounts for the thing! I'm afraid you were drunker than I thought." "You did give me the money," Drummond insisted. "Are you trying to go back on your promise?" "Oh, well," said Stormont with an indulgent smile, "in order to satisfy you, we'll ask Watson."

"He is my land-sailor. Between his last sale at Albany, and his first foot westward from here, he professes all the vices and draws never a sober breath. Yet when he is in the woods he is abstemious, amiable, wise, resourceful, virtuous as a statue a paragon of trappers. You can see him for yourselves. Yet, I warn you, appearances are deceitful; he is always drunker than he looks.

Most important to him, however, was the fact that during the game he at last got to know Charlie Carter. Charlie did not play, for the reason that he was drunk, and one of the company told him so and refused to play with him; which left poor Charlie nothing to do but get drunker. This he did, and came and hung over the shoulders of the players, and told the company all about himself.

If she thanked him it was with a look. Assuredly her eyes had never before held that gaze for Neale. Then she left the room, and presently Stanton's companion followed her. But Beauty Stanton remained. She appeared amazed, even dismayed. Larry lighted his cigarette. "Shore I'd call thet a square kid," he said. "Neale, if you get any drunker you'll lose all thet money."

I'm drinkin' at the time, an' I don't reckon now you attaches importance to what a gent says when he's in licker?" ""Not to what he says," I replies; "but I does to what he shoots. I looks with gravity on the gun-plays of any gent, an' the drunker he is the more ser'ous I regyards the eepisode."

"I had my pick o' you two," he explained to Learoyd, "and you got my palanquin not before I'd made my profit on it. Why'd I do harm when everything's settled? Your man did come here drunk as Davy's sow on a frosty night came a-purpose to mock me stuck his head out of the door an' called me a crucified hodman. I made him drunker, an' sent him along. But I never touched him."

She went off with the tenor, and Billy went off with the cab and made himself drunker than he had ever been in his life. At dawn his feet were seen protruding from the window of a coupe that was being driven up Broadway, and he was bawling forth, as best he could, the tune which had served indirectly to bring the little Tyrrell into his life.

I've been sitting here drunker than any moonshine guzzler back there at that tavern to-night. Drunk on the wild wine of the elements drunk from the skulls of Valhalla. Great God, I love it!" Brent rose at last and sought refuge under the insufficient roof of one of the shacks, for a down-pour had come with the wind and in key with all the extravagance of the night's mood, it was a cloud-burst.