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The Lieutenant played very prettily, and Mary seemed to like his playing much better than Dominique's stories. As her room adjoined the Lieutenant's, she seemed likely to have the full benefit of his musical capacities; but I do not think she lay awake to be serenaded that night.

He pulled up at Dominique's door, and, letting his little barb prance and rear at will, looked towards us, showing his white teeth and waving a letter in one hand. I left my breakfast and ran down to him. We exchanged "salamaleks," and then he put the letter in my hand, adding, in broken French, "Le Général, envoyer cela, va faire le guerre, la-bas."

Instinctively Francoise seized Dominique's hand and clasped it with a nervous contraction. "Move away," said the captain. "You are within range of the balls." At that moment a sharp little thud was heard in the old elm, and a fragment of a branch came whirling down. But the two young folks did not stir; they were nailed to the spot by anxiety to see what was going on.

She recognized her knife in the throat of the murdered man. She had killed him. The officer was talking of striking Rocreuse with terrible measures, when soldiers came running to him. Dominique's escape had just been discovered. It caused an extreme agitation.

Don't fire a shot till we have got between that and the next, and then go straight at Carthew and his gang. If I should fall, Lechmere will take the command. If he, too, should fall, you are to gather round the ladies and fight your way down to the landing place. Take Dominique's advice as to paths and so on.

"How nice he is!" cried Mary, as soon as the door was closed; "if all French officers were like this one, Tom, I think we shall not care how long we stay in the Desert " "Your heart has very quickly ceased to bleed for the poor Arabs, I see." "But how can we be sure that Dominique's stories are all true? No, Tom; I won't believe any harm of this kind-looking Commandant.

We had invited the young Lieutenant to drink tea with us at eight o'clock, and were enjoying a little music after a very sociable fashion, when a noisy excitement seemed to shake the house like a shock of an earthquake, and M. le Général was announced in Dominique's most impressive manner.

Christian found her things packed, and the two servants waiting. In a few minutes they were driving to the station. She made Dominique take the seat opposite. "Well?" she asked him. Dominique's eyebrows twitched, he smiled deprecatingly. "M'mselle, Mr. Treffry told me to hold my tongue." "But you can tell me, Dominique; Barbi can't understand."

Later accounts were not clear as to just what started the fray, but start it did. Dominique's knife appeared from some place, and the table crashed. Then the knife swished through space like a hornet and buried its point harmlessly in a door across the room. What followed is still a subject of wondering conversation on San Juan Hill. It seems that Mr. Travis seized Mr.

All then was over: the execution was going to take place. The twelve men stood there ten minutes, Dominique's voice continuing to be raised in a tone of violent refusal. Finally the officer came out, saying, as he roughly shut the door: "Very well; reflect. I give you until tomorrow morning." And with a gesture he ordered the twelve men to break ranks. Francoise was stupefied.