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The arrogant or disputatious passions could not possibly find place in a scene like this. Even if I thought him in the wrong, what but brutal depravity could lead me to endeavour to shake his belief at a time when sickness had made his judgment infirm, and when his opinion supplied his sinking heart with confidence and joy? But, in truth, I was far from thinking him in the wrong.

Finally the lay figures waxed so disputatious that Professor O'Reilley consigned them to the darkness of the trunk from which they came. "Stay there until you behave yourselves," he scolded, as the groans grew more and more subdued in protest against the captivity. "Wish I could do that," said John. "Couldn't I get teacher mad, talking at her from the blackboard?" "Sh-sh," whispered Louise.

The shadows of the houses on my left ended in an irregular line on the cobbled causeway on my right. Near the town end I came on an exception to the black-and-white stillness of the houses an inn on my right ablaze with light and full of noise. A merry liquorish company it held, some quarrelling, some rowdily disputatious, and a few stentors trying to drown the rest by roaring a tipsy catch.

I believe one great source of our concord is that neither he nor I are disputatious, which is not the case with any of them. They are also displeased with him, because they think he over-abounds in religion; and it is indeed remarkable that the philosopher of this age who has been most persecuted, is by far the most devout."

I doubt if either of them remembered that, nearly seventy years before, in 1730, Dr. William Douglass, the disputatious Scotchman, mentioned those same four remedies, in the dedication of his quarrelsome essay on inoculation, as the most important ones in the hands of the physicians of his time. In the "Proceedings" of this Society for the year 1863 is a very pleasant paper by the late Dr.

He stood looking at Abner for a moment, without speaking, a complacent smile just curving his lips, and the sparkle of the intellectual combatant in his eye. To persons of Ezra's disputatious and speculative temper, such moments, in which they gloat over their victim as he stands within the very jaws of the logic trap which they are about to spring, are no doubt, the most delightful of life.

"Oh, dear me! that sounds like metaphysics! Don't!" "So you see, you are not full of blessedness there." "You ought to have been born in Abelard's time, you've such a disputatious spirit. That's I don't know how many times you have contradicted me to-day." "Pardon." "I wonder if you are so easy with all women." "I don't know many." "I shall watch to see if you contradict Lu this way."

You ain't no beauty, Jim, an' somehow you an' me are kinder disputatious now an' then, but you are lettin' flow at this minute a solid stream o' wisdom, a fountain, ez Paul would say in his highfalutin' way, at which everybody ought to drink." Jim Hart also reached out a brown and sinewy hand and the two met in a powerful and friendly clasp. "I'm like Jim," continued Shif'less Sol.

He could get away from the conveyancer's chambers, but he could not get away from one of the pupils, who had taken a fancy to him, a tall, serious, raw-boned, hard-working, disputatious pupil, with ideas of his own about reforming the Law of Real Property, who has been the scourge of Mr. Idle's existence ever since the fatal day when he fell into the mistake of attempting to study the law.

His taste in literature was uniformly bad, but very definite, and far more assertive than his views on biological questions. In his scientific judgments he showed, even then, a remarkable temperance, a precocious openness to the opposite view; but in literature he was a furious propagandist, aggressive, disputatious, and extremely sensitive to adverse opinion.