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See Life, ch. xxxv. section 2. See Life, ch. ix. section 6, and ch. xiv. section 7. See section 3, above. St. Matt. vi. 31: "Nolite ergo solliciti esse, dicentes: Quid manducabimus. . . . aut quo operiemur?" See Life, ch. vii. section 2. See Life, ch. ii. section 2. Section 2, above. See Life, ch. xx. section 29. See Life, ch. xxxi. section 17. See Life, ch. xxv. section 20.

Et coeperunt cogitare Scribae et Pharisaei, dicentes, Quis est hic qui loquitur blasphemias? quis potest dimittere peccata nisi solus deus? Ut cognovit autem Jesus cogitationes eorum, respondens dixit ad illos. ... Quid est facilius dicere, Dimittuntur tibi peccata, an dicere, Surge et ambula?

Conjuraverunt inter se principes, dicentes, Projiciamus laqueos ejus." "Quousque, Domine!" ejaculated Magdalen; "this, my sister, were indeed a perilous and fatal breach in our band; but I am firm in my belief, that another will arise in the place of him so untimely removed. Where is thy daughter Catharine?"

Fit atrox et acerrima pugna; nec cum exteris praelium periculosius in tanto numero unquam habitum est; sic quod in schola grammaticali juvenculi ludentes, ad partes oppositas nos solemus retrahere, dicentes nos praelium de Harlaw struere velle.