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And the third, speaking of the civil wars betwixt Caesar and Pompey, "Victrix causa diis placuit, set victa Catoni." And the fourth, upon the praises of Caesar: "Et cuncta terrarum subacta, Praeter atrocem animum Catonis." And the master of the choir, after having set forth all the great names of the greatest Romans, ends thus: "His dantem jura Catonem."

He saw, beside, that the commonwealth was lost without resource; the heads of it destroyed; the senate, new moulded, grown degenerate, and either bought off or thrusting their own necks into the yoke out of fear of being forced. "Secretosque pios; his dantem jura Catonem."

'Potest concludi quod accipere et custodire modificata sunt acta liberalitatis.... Major per hoc probatur quod dantem multotiens et consumentem, nihil autem accipientem et custodientem cito derelinqueret substantia temporalis; et ita perirent omnis ejus actus quia non habent amplius quid dare et consumere.... Hic autem acceptio et custodia sic modificari debet.

"Nota metaphoram pulcram: sicut enim in lupanari venditur caro humana pretio sine pudore, ita meretrix magna, idest Curia Romana, et Curia Imperialis, vendunt libertatem Italicam.... Ad Italiam concurrunt omnes barbarae nationes cum aviditate ad ipsam conculcandam.... Et heic, Lector, me excusabis, qui antequam ulterius procedam, cogor facere invectivam contra Dantem.

The interior of the tomb was, however, left in some confusion so that the papal legate determined himself to repair it. In this he met with much opposition from the friars who claimed, as of old, jurisdiction over the sepulchre. Nevertheless he completed the work, and in 1692 placed the following upon the tomb: Exulem a Florentia Dantem Liberalissime Excepit Ravenna.