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Unless there is an improvement in future the Coomp'ny will parade each evening at 5.30 and on Sunday afternoon for extra drill. "Men must not clean their boots on the refuse tins, otherwise the tins, which are of thin material only get er demol demolished. Mud from boots must not be put into tins. "Pigs in camp are army property and will eventually be consumed by this Coomp'ny.

Tak oop a subscripshun, lads, for to put off t' p'rade, an' if t' p'rade's not put off, ah'll gie t' brass back agean. Thot's wot ah said. All B Coomp'ny knawed me. Ah took oop a big subscripshun fower rupees eight annas 'twas an' ah went oot to turn t' job over. Mulvaney an' Orth'ris coom with me." "We three raises the Divil In couples gin'rally," explained Mulvaney. Here Ortheris interrupted.

We're both front-rank men, me an' Jock, when the rig'mint's in 'ollow square. Bloomin' fine you'd look. "The Lord giveth an' the Lord taketh awai, Heasy with that there drop! Blessed be the naime o' the Lord," he gulped in a quaint and suggestive fashion. 'Mullins! Wot's Mullins? said Learoyd slowly. 'Ah'd take a coomp'ny o' Mullinses-ma hand behind me. Sitha, Mulvaney, don't be a fool.

"It is observed that discipline is becoming very slack indeed throughout the Coomp'ny. It is especially noticed in marching, taking up dressin', etc.

We're both front-rank men, me an' Jock, when the rig'ment's in 'ollow square, Bloomin' fine you'd look. 'The Lord giveth an' the Lord taketh awai, Heasy with that there drop! Blessed be the naime o' the Lord," he gulped in a quaint and suggestive fashion. "Mullins! Wot's Mullins?" said Learoyd, slowly. "Ah'd take a coomp'ny o' Mullinses ma hand behind me. Sitha, Mulvaney, don't be a fool."