United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He is a coal-merchant by trade. "How do you know?" I inquired. "Because I can't get any coal to-morrow line's bunged up for the troops." "No, he'll be going on Tuesday," said his wife, whose kindliness and splendid cooking I should miss greatly. "Is that so?" I asked, feigning an interest which I did not feel. A sore toe eclipsed all other matters for the time being.

How contemptuously all these people treated her Smith, the church-warden, a grocer, and Harris, the coal-merchant. Their cringing respect to her had always been amusing in its servility; but now she was as dust beneath their feet. They turned their backs, and ignored her existence.

On one occasion he said after breakfast to Barthrop and me: "Arrivals to-day, Mr. and Mrs. Wetherall the man a retired coal-merchant, rather wealthy, interested in foreign missions; the woman inert; daughter prevented from coming, and they bring a niece, Phyllis by name, understood to be charming. I undertake the sole charge of Wetherall himself, Mrs.

'Hush! says he; and the gentleman with whom he was talking moved off, with rather a discomfited air. When he was gone Wagley burst out laughing. 'COAL-BLACK eyes! said he; 'you've just hit it. That's Mrs. Sackville Maine, and that was her husband who just went away. He's a coal-merchant, Snob my boy, and I have no doubt Mr. Perkins's Wallsends are supplied from his wharf.

But she was dealing with a coal-merchant who does not give credit a man who requires cash down and sees that he gets it. And well, I need not go into details here, but it proved to be excessively inconvenient for me.

The business was a remunerative one, thanks to the expedient he had revealed to the coal-merchant an expedient which is common enough nowadays, but of which he might almost be called the inventor.

His father was a solicitor's clerk on a salary which never exceeded £2 2s. a week; his mother had been a nursery-maid; and he himself was born in 1833 in Bacchus Walk, Hoxton. At seven he went to a national school, but at eleven his school education ended, and he became an office-boy. At fourteen he was a wharf-clerk and cashier to a coal-merchant.

It was the chief support of the old couple; for Mr. Sedley's speculations in life subsequent to his bankruptcy did not by any means retrieve the broken old gentleman's fortune. He tried to be a wine-merchant, a coal-merchant, a commission lottery agent, &c., &c.

Hansen was now so busily engaged in replying to all sides, employing the most extravagant paradoxes, that the young folks in particular were extremely amused, without specially noting the increasing bitterness of his tone. 'But our watch-dogs, our watch-dogs! You will surely let us keep them, doctor? exclaimed a coal-merchant laughingly. 'Not at all.

The lady herself was not beautiful, or clever, or of imposing manners, nor was she of high birth. But neither was she ugly, nor unbearably stupid. Her manners were, at any rate, innocent; and as to her birth, seeing that, from the first, she was not supposed to have had any, no disappointment was felt. Her father had been a coal-merchant.