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"Ef ever you falls in love wid air cross-eyed lady, an' craves ter co't'er, you des turn down de lamp low 'fo' yer comes ter de fatal p'int, ur else set out on de po'ch in de fainty moonlight, whar yer can't see 'er eyes, caze dey's nothin' puts a co'tin' man out, and meek 'im lose 'is pronouns wuss 'n a cross-eye.

Now, whuther 'ca'se Mars Jeems wuz so tuk up wid his own junesey dat he did n' paid no 'tention fer a w'ile ter w'at wuz gwine on 'twix' Solomon en his junesey, er whuther his own co'tin' made 'im kin' er easy on de co'tin' in de qua'ters, dey ain' no tellin'. But dey's one thing sho', dat w'en Miss Libbie th'owed 'im ober, he foun' out 'bout Solomon en de gal monst'us quick, en gun Solomon fo'ty, en sont de gal down ter de Robeson County plantation, en tol' all de niggers ef he ketch 'em at any mo' sech foolishness, he wuz gwine ter skin 'em alibe en tan dey hides befo' dey ve'y eyes.

While I ain't been sayin' nothin', an' has been plumb reticent as to my feelin's, jest the same, by look or act, or mebby it's a sigh, I tips off my hand. It ain't no time before all the neighbors is aware of my love for Polly Hawks. Also, this Polly has a lover who it looks like has been co'tin' her, an' bringin' her mink pelts an' wild turkeys indeescrim'nate, for months.

"Hit's right apt ter be ther other way 'round." He paused, then judicially added: "When a man's co'tin a gal, he gin'rally seeks ter put hisself in ther best light he kin not ther wust." "Yes, thet sounds right reasonable," she admitted. "What made ye ask, Alexander?" After a dubious pause, she spoke hesitantly, "I jest fell ter studyin' erbout hit.

"I says, 'I'm an orphan man of title, a peer of England, and you can leave me lay if it cones to that. "'Well,. he says, 'if them's yo' wishes, the buzzards as good as got you." Cavendish lapsed into a momentary silence. It was plain that these were cherished memories. "That's what I call co'tin!" remarked Mr. Yancy, with conviction. The Earl of Lambeth resumed

He gwine say, 'Run for it, niggah! Yaas, Lawd, I sholy gwine do what you say I gwine run to de very aidge of de yearth. "Oh, I fool you, Mister Oberseer Man! Oh, I fool you, my ole Marster! Cotch de mockin'bird co'tin' in de locus', Cotch de bullfrog gruntin' in de ma'sh, Cotch de black snake trabellin' 'long his road, But you ain' gwine see dis niggah enny mo'!

There now, I'm not a very bad fellow, and I belong to the army that's going to make you all free." "I hasn't des tink out dis question ob bein' free yit. I'se too ole to wuk much an' old mars'r's took keer on me long time." "Well, I'se tink it out," put in Chunk, decidedly; "en I'se able to wuk fer you en me too." "You mighty peart, Chunk, co'tin' a gal lie a bean-pole a'ready.

"'An', Bill, goes on Jim, an' he's plumb rapturous, that a-way, 'may I never hold three of a kind ag'in, if she ain't got a sister who's as much like her as two poker chips. I'm co'tin' both of 'em mighty near four years before ever I can make up my mind whichever of 'em I needs.

"IN dem times," said Uncle Remus, gazing admiringly at himself in a fragment of looking-glass, "Brer Rabbit, en Brer Fox, en Brer Coon, en dem yuther creeturs go co'tin' en sparklin' 'roun' de naberhood mo' samer dan folks. 'Twan't no 'Lemme a hoss, ner 'Fetch me my buggy, but dey des up'n lit out en tote deyse'f.

You ain't a ma'ied man, is yer?" I assured him that I was not married. "Well, sir, I gwine gi'e you my advice. An' I'm a man o' 'spe'unce. I been ma'ied three times, an' of cose I done consider'ble co'tin' off'n an' on wid all three, not countin' sech p'omiskyus co'tin' roun' as any widder gemman is li'ble ter do, an' I gwine gi'e you some good advice.