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He began to walk about as fast as I had ever seen him go. He had been looking for me. Soon he slowed his gait and said in a low voice: "'Ain't ye a leetle bit car'less? An Injun wouldn't have no trouble smashin' yer head with a tommyhawk. In this 'ere business ye got to have a swivel in yer neck an' keep 'er twistin'. Ye got to know what's goin' on a-fore an' behind ye an' on both sides.

At last the wind went down, and the rain settled to a steady fall. "They were pretty angry about my going," said he, feebly. "Yes," said Jim, "they behaved purty car'less, but I'm too many for 'em." "Does Father Abraham know I'm coming?" inquired Benedict. "Does he expect me to-night?" "Yes," responded Jim, "an' he'd 'a' sent afore, but he's jest wore out with company.

Hun'erds ob times he say, 'Chunk, we go back some day, sho! But he do he duty brabe. I go wid 'im ev'ywhar en onst, des on de aige ob night, he wuz ridin' long wid 'bout twenty ob he men en dis ting happen. We didn't tink any Rebs roun' en I'd been kep' back tryn' ter git a chicken fer mars'r's supper. Ez I riz a hill, ridin' right smart I see our folks goin' easy en car'less inter a woods.

It seems sort o' strange to me that the Lord runs everything so kind o' car'less like, when there ain't nobody to bring it to his mind." Mr. Balfour made no response, and Jim resumed his oars. But for the moon, it would have been quite dark when Number Nine was reached, but, once there, the fatigues of the journey were forgotten.

Mas'r couldn't help hisself; he did right, but I'm feared things will be kinder goin' to rack, when I'm gone Mas'r can't be spected to be a pryin' round everywhar, as I've done, a keepin' up all the ends. The boys all means well, but they 's powerful car'less. That ar troubles me." The bell here rang, and Tom was summoned to the parlor.

There's nothin' behind the hull thing but ol' Pinhorn an' who? I'm skeered o' Mr. Who? Pinhorn an' Who an' a Dark Night! There's a pardnership! Kind o' well mated! They want ye to put yer life in their hands. What fer? Wal, ye know it 'pears to me they'd be apt to be car'less with it. It's jest possible that there's some feller who'll be happier if you was rubbed off the slate.