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Very often, this had habit got him into very serious scrapes. Twice was he put off duty by the Commodore; and once he came near being broken for his frolics. So far as his efficiency as a sea-officer was concerned, on shore at least, Jack might bouse away as much as he pleased; but afloat it will not do at all.

Then the Van Grolls, of Antony's Nose, who carried their liquor in fair round little pottles, by reason they could not bouse it out of their canteens, having such rare long noses.

"In place of having recourse to the tedious process of pen and ink the heel of a bottle was filled with wheat and set on the cask. This contrivance was called the 'hour glass, and for every flagon drawn off, a grain of wheat was taken out of the hour glass, and put aside till the bouse was over."

It must be known then that the nose of Antony the Trumpeter was of a very lusty size, strutting boldly from his countenance like a mountain of Golconda, being sumptuously bedecked with rubies and other precious stones, the true regalia of a king of good fellows, which jolly Bacchus grants to all who bouse it heartily at the flagon.

'Bien Darkman's then, Bouse Mort and Ken, The bien Coves bings awast, On Chates to trine by Rome Coves dine For his long lib at last. Conversation followed; not in the thieves' dialect of the song, for that was only used in talk when unfriendly ears might be listening.

He leaned towards me and added in a whisper, "I'm giving 'em bouse I wudna wesh my mare's fetlocks in, an' they're neckin' it as if it was my rale October." "It was thundery in the summer," said I gravely, whereat he grinned intelligently. "Y'r 'onour's up to snuff," said he. "Be there owt I can do for y'r, sir?" "Fetch the missus," said I, "and we'll talk." The hostess came.

'Bien Darkman's then, Bouse Mort and Ken, The bien Coves bings awast, On Chates to trine by Rome Coves dine For his long lib at last. Conversation followed; not in the thieves' dialect of the song, for that was only used in talk when unfriendly ears might be listening.

Here he was suitably received by Fid, who raised him to his side; and, having placed him comfortably between the yard and the boom, he proceeded to secure him by a lashing that would give the tailor the proper disposition of his hands. "Bouse a bit on this waister!" called Richard, when he had properly secured the good-man; "so; belay all that."

"I see them mysell weel eneugh," said Mucklebackit; "they are sitting down yonder like hoodie-craws in a mist; but d'yo think ye'll help them wi' skirling that gate like an auld skart before a flaw o' weather? Steenie, lad, bring up the mast Od, I'se hae them up as we used to bouse up the kegs o' gin and brandy lang syne Get up the pickaxe, make a step for the mast make the chair fast with the rattlin haul taught and belay!"

Then the Van Grolls, of Antony's Nose, who carried their liquor in fair round little pottles, by reason they could not bouse it out of their canteens, having such rare long noses.