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With the Kid riding gleefully upon Weary's shoulder they trooped up the path their own feet had helped wear deep to the bunk-house. They looked in at the open door and snorted at the cheerlessness of the place. "Why don't you come back here and stay?" the Kid demanded. "I was going to sleep down here with you and now Doctor Dell won't let me. These hobees are no good. They're damn' bone-head.

"It's the hardest book to read through without fallin' asleep where you sit, though, that I've struck since the time I had to repeat Geology." Peter smiles. "But, there, Johnny, I guess I'm the bone-head part of the readin' public " "That's why you're just the kind of person that ought to read books like that, Peter.

"Good Lord," Tommy cried, in despair, "he's spilled the beans! Jack, you bone-head, we " "Be quiet, sir," she commanded, turning beautifully pink and giving me ten thousand messages in a single look. "Then come on," Tommy said, beginning to draw her away by the hand, "let's go off and think up another!" "My boy Tommy," the professor sternly reproved him, "she is of royal blood!"

For both child and woman she seems to be, in fascinating combination. But, lest you should mistake me, good old bone-head, let me make it plain that there is absolutely no danger of my falling in love with her. My interest is not that kind of interest. I am far too hard headed to be susceptible.

Hen, catching only an imperfect view as he gazed down past the end of his nose, was sure that he had been badly injured by his fall. Some of the other boys set up a yell of laughter. "Why, you big baby!" blurted Toby. "You've only scratched your lip on the ice." "A handful of snow will heal it!" asserted Ben Alvord. "Come, get up, bone-head! Come on to your dousing."

"You licked Cyclone Dick all right, Kid, I hear." "And who but a bone-head thought he wouldn't?" demanded the third warmly. "He could whip a dozen Cyclone Dicks in the same evening with his eyes shut." "He's the next champeen," admitted the first speaker. "If he juts it over Jimmy Garvin," argued the second. "Jimmy Garvin!" cried the third. "He can whip twenty Jimmy Garvins with his feet tied.

Your sympathy unmans me." "Tell us about it," urged Cherry. "What's the use?" he demanded, with a glare at Clyde. "That bone-head wouldn't understand." "Go ahead," Boyd seconded, with twitching lips. "You look as if you had worked, and worked hard." "Hard? I'm the only man in the world who knows what hard work is!" "Start at the beginning when you were arrested."

"Reckoned I'd seen you somewhere!" said another. "You licked Cyclone Al. all right, Kid, I hear." "And who but a bone-head thought he wouldn't?" demanded the third warmly. "He could whip a dozen Cyclone Al.'s in the same evening with his eyes shut." "He's the next champeen," admitted the first speaker. "If he puts it over Jimmy Garvin," argued the second. "Jimmy Garvin!" cried the third.