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"Now, what would the blagguard be most likely to do when he had safely launched his raft? He knew that it would go skimming away to leeward, taking us with it; and I therefore think it most probable that he would tack at once, going off in this direction," laying down a line upon the paper. "Meanwhile, the raft went scudding away to leeward until we met it there," making another dot.

"Now, Harry, me bhoy," exclaimed Ryan, speaking in the broad brogue that always sprang to his lips when he was excited or exhilarated, and slapping me upon the back as we emerged from the companion after dinner that evening, and stood for a moment contemplating the glory of the night, "from this moment we're slavers, we're pirates, we're cut-throats of the first wather, to be hail-fellow-well-met with every dirty blagguard that sails the says until we can get them within rache of these pretty little barkers," affectionately tapping the breech of one of our long nines as he spoke; "and thin see if we won't give thim such a surprise as they haven't met with for manny a day!"

Mr Dugdale and Oi are now goin' below to dinner, and if ye lose soight of that loight, bedad I'll I'll keelhaul ye, ye shpalpeen. He's edgin' away off the wind, d'ye see, the blagguard!

I'm not begrudging Anty anything for herself; but that I'd be dhriven to let that blagguard of a brother of hers into the house, and that as a frind like, is what I didn't think I'd ever have put upon me!" Barry made his appearance about an hour after the time at which they had begun to expect him; and as soon as Meg saw him, one of them flew upstairs, to tell Anty and give her her tonic.

What has a lone woman like me, Father Pat, to do wid sthrangers like them? jist to turn their backs on me when I ain't no furder use, and to be gitting the hights of insolence and abuse, as I did from that blagguard Barry. He'd betther keep his toe in his pump and go asy, or he'll wake to a sore morning yet, some day."

"An' you'd be for puttin' a stranger over thim, Misthur Thady; an' they that would stand between you an' all harum, or the masthur, or the old masthur afore him; becaze of the dirthy money, and becaze a blagguard and a black ruffian like Flannelly has an ould paper signed by the masthur, or the like? An' as for Mr.

"Is it about Barry?" "Yes; about Barry. How do you know Colligan won't be repating all them things to him?" "Let him, and wilcome. Shure wouldn't I say as much to Barry Lynch himself? What do I care for the blagguard? only this, I wish I'd niver heard his name, or seen his foot over the sill of the door. I'm sorry I iver heard the name of the Lynches in Dunmore."