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You ain't northin' else, when it comes to law. I'm a hard man when I'm madded, Crymble, and if I start in to keelhaul you for disobeyin' orders you'll " The Cap'n did not complete the sentence, but he bent such a look on the man in the chair that he trembled through all his frail length. "I wisht I could have stayed dead," whimpered Mr. Crymble, thoroughly spirit-broken.

The next time I catch you at it I'll keelhaul you, Master Sammy, by Jupiter!" Jerrold kept on grumbling away, pretending to be very angry; and he frightened Weeks so that he forgot the ugly knock he had received on his own head, and apologised abjectly for the offence he had committed.

An' they'll put it up to Lund an' the skipper somewheres close by there. An' that's where you two'll get put off, if you don't fall in line." "All right, Sandy. You're smarter than I thought you were. Sure of all this?" "I ain't much to look at, sir, but I ain't had to buck my own way without gittin' on ter myself. You won't give me away, though? They'd keelhaul me." "I won't. You cut along.

Soundings had been made, and they had learned that the lane to safety was both narrow and winding. "If we hit, it will be all up with us," said one of the tars to his mates. "We got ter take a chance," was the answer. "Keelhaul me, if I want to stay at this island any longer!" Closer and closer to the jaws of the reef sped the Bertha Hamilton. Then up and down like a cork danced the schooner.

The boys soon became very earnest in their manner. They had seated themselves under the lee of the hatch, and did not appear to notice the fact that Mr. Hamblin was passing on the other side of it at intervals. "We'll keelhaul him," said Wilson; and the savant distinctly heard the remark, though he did not know what it meant; only that it was some trick to be played off upon him.

When he came on deck, he went immediately to that group of bad boys who were plotting to keelhaul me, and had a long conversation with them. I watched him, sir. My eye was hardly off him a moment. I was looking for something of this kind." "And you found it." "Yes, sir; I did." "When people are looking for faults and errors in others, they usually find them," added the principal, significantly.

"It was only in fun, sir. We didn't mean to do it, sir," added Wilton. Mr. Hamblin did not wait to hear any more. He rushed aft, rushed down the companion-way, rushed into the main cabin, where the principal was just dismissing Paul. "They are going to keelhaul me, next, Mr. Lowington!" exclaimed the learned gentleman, savagely. "Pray, what is the trouble, Mr.

Thrusting his broom into the hands of a sailor, Little gave a fore-and-aft hitch to his pants in approved Dick Deadeye style, plucked his forelock, and his joyful voice rang along the decks. "Ahoy ahoy! Slack away for'ard, leggo aft! Tara-ra, tara-ra A life on the ocean wave is better than going to sea! Keelhaul th' main scuppers; lash th' anchor to th' mast! Whe-eee!

God bless you, my boy!" said the old salt, as he started his horse. "Thank you, sir. There's only one thing that troubles me." "Eh? What's that, my boy?" demanded Captain Barney as he reined up the horse again. "I suppose you have heard of my scrape at Squire Pemberton's the other night." "Yes; and shiver my timbers if I didn't want to keelhaul the old traitor when I heard of it."

"Why, it's that plagued Betsy and Jane, my two young sows," he cried the next moment. "Consarn and keelhaul the critters, they're breakin' out all the time. I reckon they're headed fer home now," he added, when Hiram related how he had scared them. "I'm glad that they were nothing but pigs, captain," said Hiram, going back with flushed cheeks to his cookery.