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His voice fell sadly as this idea occurred to him, and she pressed his arm and smiled up at him, her face ruddy in the gaslight. "You are young, my man; you will never grow old. And you will play at the dinner? And you will play to me? I always know when you play to me." "Yes, for it is always. You are good to me now, bien-aimée." His gentleness was wonderfully appealing, as it always was to her.

"A quand donc le jour des noces, ma bien-aimee?" And Mdlle. Reuter answered "Mais, Francois, tu sais bien qu'il me serait impossible de me marier avant les vacances." "June, July, August, a whole quarter!" exclaimed the director. "How can I wait so long? I who am ready, even now, to expire at your feet with impatience!"

Bit hard on me, but fortunately for you, Janie Janet, I'm rather a dab at languages 'specially when it comes to what the late lamented Boche referred to as 'cosy names. Querida mi alma, douchka, Herzliebchen, carissima; and bien, bien-aimée, I'll not run out of salutations for you this side of heaven no nor t'other. I adore the serene grace with which you ignore the ravishing Liane.

When I said "all right," his forehead got pink, and the veins showed just like the Marquis's had done at dinner, and he said, "Chérie ma chérie, ma bien-aimée" in such a voice!

I was at an at-home in Chelsea one Sunday not long ago, and met a Mrs. Hungerford, Carville's grand bien-aimée, on and off, for a long time. She had recently married a wealthy Australian, who was also present, a large, subdued creature. My hostess was Mrs. Chase, the wealthy widow who married poor Enderby Chase the artist. I forget whether you ever met them.

But the terrible sobs went on, and fearfully he caught her closer, straining her to him convulsively, raining kisses on her shining hair. "Diane, Diane," he whispered imploringly, falling back into the soft French that seemed so much more natural. "Mon amour, ma bien-aimee. Ne pleures pas, je t'en prie. Je t'aime, je t'adore. Tu resteras pres de moi, tout a moi."