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Conklin, The Direction of Human Evolution, pp. 125, 126. The Glands Regulating Personality: A study of the glands of internal secretion in relation to the types of human nature. By Louis Berman, M. D., Associate in Biological Chemistry, Columbia University; Physician to the Special Health Clinic. Lenox Hill Hospital. New York: 1921. Cf Terman: Intelligence of School Children. New York 1919. p. 56.

These so-called secondary characters which are the sign of full and healthy development, are dependent, science tells us, upon the state of development of the reproductive organs. For a clear and illuminating account of the creative and dynamic power of the endocrine glands, the layman is referred to a recently published book by Dr. Louis Berman.

"You are wrong, O'Reilly," said one of them. "England will not dare come into it. There are men in England who would want the country to war against my land. But the powers that be, and the people, too, will be against it." "I hate England, Berman," said O'Reilly.

To the old woman looking after the dozen women he threw briefly in passing: "So remember, madam Berman! Hotel America, Ivanukovskaya, twenty-two!" While to the black-bearded man he said: "Don't forget, Lazer, to feed the girls at dinner and to bring them somewhere to a movie show. About eleven o'clock at night wait for me. I'll come for a talk.

This authority reveals anew how body and soul are bound up together in a complex unity. Our spiritual and psychic difficulties cannot be solved until we have mastered the knowledge of the wellsprings of our being. "The chemistry of the soul! Magnificent phrase!" exclaims Dr. Berman. "It's a long, long way to that goal. The exact formula is as yet far beyond our reach.